Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eczema Treatment

Currently, there is no curative treatment of eczema. Therefore, traditional interventions are limited to reducing inflammation and to alleviate the discomfort caused by eczema. Identification of allergens or irritants that cause them to avoid outbursts of eczema, which will relieve the symptoms.
Apply creams or ointments or corticosteroid to the affected areas, will reduce itching and inflammation. Sometimes oral corticosteroids are prescribed in severe cases, but only for a short period of time due to adverse effects such as bone demineralization.
Antihistaminecele can sometimes be used to reduce itching. They are especially effective in children because it helps them sleep, preventing scratching during eruptive crises occurring at night.
Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are two immunomodulating drugs recently. Their effect is to weaken the immune system (inflammation, for example) and can replace corticosteroids as appropriate, since they have fewer side effects.
Antibiotics are necessary in case of bacterial infections (particularly in impetigo).
Ultraviolet radiation therapy
Eczema Treatment
Or fotochimioterapia Phototherapy (exposure to ultraviolet rays associated with taking a drug that sensitizes the skin before exposure to UVA) may be prescribed. It uses devices that emit UVA and UVB radiation. These methods, however, presents an increased risk of cancer or premature skin aging. Moreover, simple exposure to sunlight has beneficial effects in some patients.

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