Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Labial cancer (lips cancer)

Labial cancer (lips cancer)
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant lesion of the lip.
To occur in men over 60-65 years, located in 89% of cases in the lower lip, 3% at the upper lip and 8% at the mouth corners. It can occur on preexisting lesions, most often lesions Actinic Cheilitis.

Although sun exposure has been incriminated as the main risk factor, yet there are few studies showing a weak correlation between squamous cell carcinoma of the lips and annual rate of solar radiation. Other risk factors have been incriminated include: smoking, oral syphilis at the location, poor dentition, herpes simplex infections.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the lip can occur as a crack, small erosions or ulcers as a persistent, you bleed. Semimucoasa mouth is dry, scaly, fissured, keratosis. Initially, the palpeaza a discrete infiltration, which later becomes nodular. We can meet or burjonat ulcerated appearance. The tumor can develop or endofitic exofitic with tissue destruction.
The prognosis is relatively weak, because metastasis is rapid, occurring in approximately 11% of cases.
On the lips can meet and malignant melanoma, although cases are rare. The tumor shows usually look difficult to diagnose clinically or pseudobotriomicomatos acromic-melanoma. The prognosis is poor, similar to that of malignant melanoma of the skin.
Treatment of malignant tumors of the lips is to limit surgical excision of tumor oncology, radiotherapy, chemotherapy (early cancer).

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