Thursday, January 27, 2011

Temporal lobe syndrome

Temporal lobe syndrome If a tumor in the temporal lobe, and speech disorders are common psychiatric disorders.
Speech disorders occur frequently in tumors of the dominant hemisphere temporal lobe, and their gravity is higher in malignant tumors. They may limit the difficulty of articulating certain words or sometimes the patient can not understand the language. More than half of patients are found to inattention disorder permanent verbal aphasia, Wernicke aphasia (the patient has serious difficulty in understanding language and expressing the jargon) and the evocation of aphasia.
Psychiatric disorders are manifested in the most varied aspects. The patient loses attention and memory, shows a deficit of cognitive function compared to the antemergatoare disease. It is emotionally unstable, has periods of depression and anxiety surrounding the world loses interest. Behavior disorders completes periodic irritability, depression alternating with euphoric. Epileptic disorders are present in almost half of patients. Crises psycho diseases are characteristic of the temporal lobe, it is clinically manifested by hallucinations or delusions. There are frequent auditory hallucinations, visual and olfactory. Visual hallucinations occur in temporal lobe lesions and non-dominant hemisphere often take the form of complex visual hallucinations. Olfactory hallucinations are described by the patient as a sensation of smell unpleasant sensation that lasts a while, but the recurring cycle. In this case the differential diagnosis must be made with a sinus infection (especially a maxillary sinusitis with anaerobic) because it is responsible for unpleasant odors. Were frequently reported and paroxysmal changes of consciousness, with feelings of "déjà vu". Uncinata crisis was described by H. Jackson and express olfactory or gustatory hallucinations plus a feeling of anxiety and visual hallucinations. In advanced stages of disease occurring type of generalized seizures grand mall, sudden onset, they evolved alternating Jacksonian seizures. Some types of brain tumors, oligodendroglioamele Astrocytomas and determine the most frequent seizures.
Intracranial hypertension occurs early in the temporal lobe lesions and is present in most patients. Glioblastoma time usually begins with intracranial hypertension and controlateral piramidal deficit.
Motor disorders manifests as a slowly progressive hemiparesis interest or interest only hemicorpul controlateral half controlaterala front.
Sensitivity disorders meet the fourth objective of patients and manifests as a mild superficial hipoestezii. Eye disorders may be serious if a large temporal lobe tumors and can lead to exophthalmos, ipsilateral mydriasis, common oculomotor nerve paresis ipsilateral (nerve compression), visual field changes. Visual field changes are important, because with their help to locate a landmark headquarters in temporal lobe tumor. A homonima hemianopsia opposite side of the lesion indicates a posterior temporal lobe damage. Tumors produce a temporal hemianopsia in the progressive evolution from the periphery to the point of fixation. Hemianopsia and speech disorders may be the result of a hematoma intraparenchimatos. Optic nerve can be affected by direct compression due to tumor or intracranial hypertension, affecting visual acuity. Acufenele (subjective hearing disorders) may occur in isolation or seizures. Also, before an epileptic seizure, to meet vestibular disorders manifested by attacks of vertigo.

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