Thursday, June 16, 2011

Adenoid acute

Adenoid acute inflammation, effusion of the amygdala throat sometimes can appear isolated or Lushka associated to rhinitis and / or angina.Onset is sudden or rapidly progressive and frequently associated febrile episode (high of 39-40 C), febrile convulsions, loss of appetite (sacderea appetite), sometimes diarrhea.
Status includes the symptoms during a febrile type curve Conversely, materials with high values, nasal obstruction, purulent mucous secretion and visible in the oropharynx.Characteristics of fever are: hooks morning and record the type reverse big climbs lasting a few hours. Is associated agitation and polipnee.
Obtructie nose will cause typical signs - type oral breathing (baby sits with mouth open), especially during sleep in the supine position that favors and noisy breathing (sleep snore).Thus is prevented and nutrition.
Purulent discharge may be called earlier or posterior rhinorrhea, viewed from the back of the neck examination (the examination of pharyngeal exudate ENT specialist).
Positive diagnosis:
Diagnosis arises with the clinical picture and ENT specialist examination of cavumului which will highlight the hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil (increased volume due to increased size of tissue contained cells respectively).
Febrile syndrome will be removed by the use of gloves and 40-60mg/kgc/zi dose of paracetamol.
Febrile seizures will prevent using sedatives, like phenobarbital at a dose of 4 mg / kg / day.
The use and dezobstructie ephedrine nasal solution 0, 5-1% in saline, instilled intranasally before meals to improve breathing and restore appetite.
Treatment of acute bacterial infection of the tissue adenoidian drugs is antibiotics: ampicillin and CEFALOCOR over 5-7 days.
Antibiotics in adenoid is vigorous and prolonged to prevent complications frequent otoscopic examination is made and the complications of ear (otitis mask antibiotics).
The majority of cases have a favorable evolution.
Disease complications are:- Otitis media;- Rinobronsita;- Laryngitis;- Regional adenitis cervical;- Digestive disorders such as diarrhea parenteral.