Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ankle sprain

Ligament sprain is an injury caused by stretching of the ligaments over normal capacity. Although any joint can suffer a sprain, the most affected are the ankle, knee, fingers and wrists. Ankle sprain is the most commonly found and require an even longer healing time than a bone fracture region. One of the most studied is the twists of the knee ligaments cross. This is a debilitating sprain especially common in athletes: football, basketball, judo.Sprain include typical signs associated with inflammation, localized pain, swelling, functional impotence and decreased elesticitatii ligament.
Ankle joint has many functions, one of which is to allow the body to adapt to a rough terrain during ambulatiei. Lack of compensation by balance and mechanical stress on the proper shoes cause damage to the ankle. 83% of ankle injuries are sprains, and of these 85% are inversion sprains by side. Although patients recover quickly after a sprain, lack of adequate recovery of these injuries increase the risk of relapse.
Sprains therapy includes rest, ice application, local compression, lifting member and in severe cases surgery. Sprain functional needs rest. No external forces be applied to the affected area. For outpatient ankle be suppressed. Ice sprain should be applied immediately to minimize swelling and relieve pain. Can be applied 20 minutes 3-4 times a day. Ice can be combined with a enswathement to reduce swelling and support the region. Use tables, compresses, buttocks to hold the sprain. Affected joint must be kept high above the heart to decrease swelling.
Ice compresses will not completely stop swelling and pain but will help to minimize them as they begin to heal the sprain. Adequate swelling is critical for healing. The joint should be used in mild cases to 1-3 days after injury. Special exercises are sometimes needed to gain the functionality and reduce the risk of complications. be supported by cast ankle device to relieve stress.Sprains can be prevented by proper use of equipment, heating and muscle relaxation exercises, attention to potential hazards of rough terrain and maintaining muscle strength Adequate sports practiced.
Pathogenesis of ankle sprainAnkle sprain result from the application of force exceeding the limit around the ankle ligaments supporting the joint elasticity, though lower than the force required to fracture the joint. Ankle is the concentration of forces because it is about the dynamics of the upper set foot on the soil and plants. Large muscle masses of lower limb and body weight is concentrated on the ankle. These factors are the most commonly found sprain soup back pain orthopedic condition.
Ligament of the ankle device:Above the ankle complex, which consists of previously talofibular ligament, posterior talofibular calcaneofibular and represents the most exposed region sprains. 85% of the lateral ligaments are by inversion, eversion by 5% and 10% medial ligaments are sindesmotice. Previously talofibular ligament injuries is most exposed.Causes and Risk FactorsMechanical forces that exceed the limits of the joint capsule and supporting ligaments cause sprains.There are several contributing factors:-Poor muscle tone, lack of good physical condition, physical inactivity-Engaging in inappropriate physical activities and the patient was not ready-Accidents that cause mechanical stress on the ligamentsKinetic energy, by increasing obesity.
Typical plantar flexion and inversion of foot outpatient occur through a rough landings or a leg. Peronieni muscle mechanical overload may play a role. Forced external rotation ankle sprain cause sindesmotica. These sprains occur more frequently than those by inversion but are more debilitating and require a longer recovery. Recurrent sprains or chronic lateral instability of the consequences of grade III sprains.
Signs and symptomsDetermination of injury mechanism is essential. Sudden pain, swelling and intense rapid denutul and bruising suggests a torn ligament. Neurovascular compromise is suspected when patients complain cold or tingling feet. Determine the presence of any complications such as arthritis, connective tissue disease, diabetes, neuropathy, trauma or sprains of history is imperative.
Physical exam of ankle sprain:Because ankle sprains are sensitive during the examination, observation help determine injury severity. It will be observed deformation and the occurrence of edema and ecchymosis.Patient's ability to bear weight on the affected ankle and determine the severity of injuries to go. In most cases patients can walk without severe pain shows no fracture or instability.
Ankle sprains are classified into three grades:-Degree-they produce a moderate degree of swelling and stretching of the affected ligament structures, weight bearing is possible-Grade II are characterized by moderate degree of swelling and rupture of ligaments incomplete, this instability may be mild pain is present to support weightThird-degree sprains cause such severe swelling and defined the complete rupture of at least one ligament, instability is observed.
It can perform some functional tests to support diagnosis of sprain:-Test: tray earlier "with the ankle at 90 degrees per foot, heel grab and pull forward while the other Miina is placed on the posterior tibial force, if the test is positive sign appears suctiunii-Test "Talara tarpaulin" is made when the ankle is 90 degrees from the leg, and reverses the abduca foot.Complications of ankle sprains:Side-chronic instability, swelling extendedIntra-articular lesions meniscoide is localized fibrotic synovitisPeroneal tendon-subluxareaTalara-bone fracture, fracture of the previous process calcaneusuluiRegional-pain syndrome or reflex sympathetic dystrophy.Sprain requires submission to the doctor if:-Joint is abnormally mobile-Bone is deformed-Pain does not allow weight bearing after 24 hours of injuryWalking is difficult, after 4 days of injury-Extreme pain, swelling, bruising or extreme-Fingers are cold or cyanotic.

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