Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tips for Parents

Tips for Parents

Many kids smoke a few cigarettes to experience, then stop. But unfortunately, many others continue and become daily smokers. Half of these smokers become addicted to nicotine.
Tips for Parents
Only a small proportion of smokers believe that teens will smoke all your life, for the vast majority, however, smoking is just an experiment. Their confidence may come from the fact that young people can more easily control the number of cigarettes smoked than adults, or where smoke. For example, many of them are forced to give up when they are away from friends who gave them cigarettes or you do not have enough money to buy themselves.
The most important thing parents can do is to become a role model for children. Those who smoke may try to quit. The least they can do is to not smoke in front of children.
Tips for Parents
Secondly, it is a direct dialogue with children in which to explain all risks to which they are exposed. Many children are not aware of the gravity of the situation and the negative effects of cigarettes on health.
This dialogue can be a good opportunity for children to reasons for smoking, and peer pressure from their plans to quit smoking. Parents can offer to help in this endeavor, offering their support.
Tips for Parents
Humiliation, rebuke or punishment of children is not a solution. It is preferable to treating them as a people capable of making a responsible decision. Parents may bring into question the benefits that will not delay occur after smoking cessation. For example, young people could save some money and would get better in sports.

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