Friday, January 21, 2011

Angiodisplazia colony

Angiodisplazia colony

* Introduction
* Symptoms and Diagnosis
* Treatment
Angiodisplazia colony is a disease caused by narrowing and weakening of blood vessels associated with colon, gastrointestinal bleeding caused by ocazionale.Afectiunea is associated with age and degeneration vasculare.Angiodisplazia structure is not a condition close to the pathogenesis maligna.Este Osler-Weber syndrome Rendu. Angiodisplazia was observed in 3% of those without intestinal bleeding and 5% to eliminate the people who experience blood in the stool, anemia or hemoragii.Barbatii and women are affected egal.Majoritatea patients were 50 years old. Symptoms vary, often in the elderly are: weakness, anemia, fatigue and tahipnee.Alti patients have mild or severe bleeding episodes, with the elimination of the red blood is not associated with angiodisplazia rect.Durerea. When a person suffers from loss of blood through the colon, is necessary discovery singerarii source and quantity of blood pierdut.Starea require careful monitoring and patient care unit hospitalization intensiva.O Once the bleeding source was located, through a colonoscopy or angiography Treatment can be initiat.Aproape to 80% of patients stop bleeding spontaneously. Treatment includes various surgical or endoscopic techniques to stop the bleeding.
Pathogenesis The exact mechanism of development is not fully angiodisplaziei cunoscut.Una of hypotheses based on the law of Laplace.Aceasta wall tension associated with the degree of colonic distension and colonic transmurala.La pressure, wall tension is greater in segments with increased diameter, such be in the right colon, which in fact is most localized lesions angiodisplazie. This theory suggests that many episodes of distension are associated with increased pressure on the colon wall and progressively increasing diameter colonic.Astfel local venous flow is obstructed, especially when the smooth muscle of these vessels crossed colonului.Pe During the process causes a gradual expansion submucosal veins and capillaries and venules dilate blood possibly related. Causes The exact cause is unknown, theories involving a combination of several risk factors: -Old age -Location and check the right colon -Degenerative changes of small blood vessels associated with aging Hypo-oxygenation-lasting due to associated chronic diseases: heart failure, pulmonary failure - People with kidney failure undergoing dialysis Von Willebrand-disease-deficiency of clotting factor VIII Type IV collagen-deficiency of the blood vessels structure -Patients with scleroderma.

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