Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dermatophytic - Tinea Treatment

Dermatophytic - Tinea
Use two major classes of antifungals: azolii and alilaminele. Azolii inhibit an enzyme that converts lanosterol to ergosterol, an important element of the fungal wall, leading to permeability and loss of reproductive capacity of the fungus. Alilaminele inhibit an enzyme that transforms squalene to ergosterol, leading to accumulation of toxic levels of squalene in fungi and death.
Therapy in tinea capitis. Choice of treatment is determined by the species of fungus, the degree of inflammation and immunological and nutritional status of the patient. Topical administration of griseofulvin is the first effective oral therapy for tinea capitis. Single topical treatment is not recommended and is inefficient. Antifungal as ketoconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine and fluconazole are effective options. The most used are terbinafine and itraconazole. Shampoo with selenium sulfide can reduce the risk of infection during the early expansion of the therapy reduces the number of spores.
Therapy in tinea barbae. Since this form of the disease in all affected hairs therapeutic procedure is similar to that of tinea capitis. It is recommended to shave the hair or hair removal hot compresses to remove crusts and waste. Topical antifungal formulas (shampoo, lotion, cream) can be applied but requires oral therapy. The prognosis is usually good. Inflammatory lesions spontaneously go into remission within a few months, however, let untreated scar alopecia. Noninflamatorii lesions tend to be chronic and not resolve spontaneously.
Therapy in tinea corporis and cruris. Topical therapy is recommended for a localized infection as dermatophytic rarely invade living tissue. This should be applied to at least 2 cm lesions with its edges once or twice a zit for 2 weeks. The use of topical azoles: econazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, Clotrimazole, miconazole, oxiconazole, sulconazole. Sertaconazole is the newest agent of the group. Capacity is being used as a fungicide and anti-inflammatory agent with broad spectrum. Alilaminele: naftifina terbinafine in stratum corneum are neficiente because lipophilic nature. Also Adinda penetrates in the hair follicle. Ciclopirox olamine is a topical fungicide. It causes instability in the membrane by accumulating fungus and interfere with membrane transport of amino acids.
Medium potency topical corticosteroids may be added to topical fungal system. They should be used only in the first days of treatment. Regimes lead to prolonged atrophy, striae and skin teleangiectazii. For extensive tinea corporis, the immunocompromised, and resistance associated with topical antifungals or unguium tinea capitis, systemic therapy is recommended. The prognosis is excellent for localized tinea corporis, with a 70-100% cure rate after treatment. The infection may recur if treatment does not result in complete eradication of the organism. Reinfection can occur in reservoirs such as infected nails and hair follicles.
Therapy in tinea pedis. Tinea pedis can be treated with oral or topical antifungal agents or a combination of both. Use topical agents for 1-6 weeks. Patients with moccasin tinea treatment must apply on both sides of the foot. Ise appellant due to patient discontinuation of needles after symptoms disappear. Tinea pedis is recalcitrant and use keratinolitice and urea topical antifungal help to answer.
Dermatophytic - Tinea Treatment
Hyperkeratotic tinea pedis as her chic inflammatory / vesicular require oral therapy, and patients with diabetes, onychomycosis, peripheral vascular disease, conditions imunocompromitere. Complications that can result from foot infection include cellulitis, limfangita, pyoderma, osteomyelitis. They are seen especially in patients with chronic edema, immunosuppression and diabetes.

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