Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Back Pain - Treatment

Cervical and lumbar pain therapy:Medical therapy:If the patient has back pain by traumatic injury spinal immobilization is used. If there is no history of trauma emergency treatment includes spinal imaging and conservative regimes.Therapy of choice is conservative and includes bed rest, administration of anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants. The use narcotics for pain relief. Steroids are recommended by many doctors.
Pharmacological Therapy:Acetaminophen remains first-line treatment in acute back pain. It is well tolerated and has few side effects. NSAIDs are the most prescribed painkillers for back pain. They are useful in relieving it temporarily.Lidocaine applied topically without pain relief in patients with acute conditions.Narcotic drugs is the choice for severe pain. it is not suitable for long-term therapy.Antidepressants are effective when one component is involved and depression. They contribute to the induction somunlui in these patients.
Control of pain and inflammatory process:Pain therapy should be initiated early and effectively to gain control. Use ice, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and rest relative. Excessive bed rest can be detrimental, leading to neglect treatment lumbar segments, loss of muscle tonicity.
Restoration of joint function and extensible, soft tissueExtension exercises can reduce neural tension. Flexion exercises reduce mechanical stress in articular joints and stretch the fascia girls back injury. Using ultrasound therapy improves extensibility of collagen.
Improve muscle tone and endurance:Exercise programs may begin after the pain is controlled. The key is to minimize the risk of repetitive injury of the disc, joints and adjacent structures. It begins with isometric exercises, and then with isotonic. These exercises are recommended and the patient's home meet special remedial gymnastics.
Physical Therapy:For patients with pain without radiculopathy discogenica physical therapy is needed to educate the patient in taking an appropriate position of the spine, the spinal mechanics and implementation of programs specific gymnastics.
Surgical therapy:The surgery of pain syndromes is needed in radiculopatiie discogenica or myelopathy with persistent radicular pain, motor weakness, progressive neurological deficits or spinal cord compression without response to conservative therapy.
Coccidodiniei therapy:Coccidiana pain is treated with conservative measures. Prolonged conservative therapy is successful in these conditions. The key is to allow treatment of symptoms respond to treatment. Therapy includes corticosteroids or analgesics and topical iontophoresis or phonophoresis. Different types of massage and manipulation techniques coccigiene ligaments and pelvic muscles helps to relieve pain temporarily. Other techniques used are acupuncture, reflexology. In some cases surgery may be indicated. The success rate is 90%. If you need surgery performed 6 months to 1 year up to a total remission of pain.

1 comment:

  1. Kalyan hospital is known to be the best medical place that can help you to get the finest treatment for your back pain. We have an amazing Spine Surgeon called Dr. Rajinder Singh who is well educated and qualified.
