Thursday, June 16, 2011

Colic - The causes of colic

Colic is one of the great mysteries of life infants. Its causes are unknown, instead there are many theories. A milk allergy was considered as a possible cause, but now it is believed that this is rarely responsible for the appearance of colic. Breastfed infantsalso have colic, and in this case some changes in the mother's diet can have good results.

According to theories of infants with colic digestive system is immature or sensitive.Digestive tract of a newborn contains very few enzymes or digestive juices, so digestionof milk proteins can lead to gas production. Also, the cry of a child can lead toswallowing large amounts of air, leading to accumulation of gas.

Others believe that prolonged episodes of colic is a means of liberation for infantswhose nervous system still in development can not process all stimuli in the new environment in which they live.
In many cases, colic is found to be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD), the acidic stomach contents into the esophagus reflueaza, irritate the lining ofthe esophagus.

Signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease are frequent regurgitation after feeding, restlessness and frequent awakenings during the night, painful events when the babylying on his back, arching back, reduce discomfort when the child is held upright.
There are two simple remedies for GERD: breastfeeding twice as often in small portionsin half and keeping the child upright for at least two hours after feeding.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease usually persist up to 6 -9 months.