Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Erysipelas is impaired cutaneous infection occurred after S.pyogenes.
Debuteza brusc , printr-un episod episod de tumefactie rosiatica a tegumentului fetei sau extremitatilor . Debuteza sudden episode by episode reddish swelling of face or extremities skin. Leziunea este dureroasa, are marginile bine delimitate si indurate; se extinde rapid in suprafata. The lesion is painful, has well defined edges and indurated, rapidly expanding in the area.
Foarte rar infectia poate afecta structurile profunde ale pielii (se limiteaza doar la epiderm). Very rarely the infection can affect the structures of skin (epidermis limited to).
Terapia cu penicilina este urmata de diminuarea febrei, a durerii si a eritemului lezional. Penicillin therapy is followed by reduction of fever, pain and erythema lesion. Dupa 5-10 zile de evolutie a bolii, pilea se va descuama. After 5-10 days of disease evolution, cells will exfoliate. Cel mai frecvent aceasta infectie afecteaza copii si batranii. The most common infection that affects children and the elderly.

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