The causes are many: the nasal bleeding due either to a localized disease or systemic illness (which reaches the entire body).
Common Causes:"A cold consecutive trivial infection, a rhinitis (nasal inflammation) or a sinusitis (sinus inflammation)»Dry nasal mucosa - for example, a child who sleeps in an overheated room"Presence of a foreign body - often in small children toys or other objects inserted into one nostril. Foreign body goes unnoticed a few days or even weeks. Then, develop an infection and inflammation, causing secretions from one nostril, accompanied by pus (yellow-green)."Taking anticoagulants aspirin, warfarin, NSAIDs»Trauma - due to concussion, a broken nose or less»Nasal polyps - the variety of tumor can bleed after nose wiping, is accompanied by a loss of smell, sinusitis and nasal obstruction."High blood pressure (hypertension) - this syndrome is seen especially in people over 50 years. In this case, bleeding is back home (located meatus - bottom hole) and is more difficult to stop.Bleeding internal maxillary artery ligation requires one or more of its branches). Nasal bleeding is a sign that hypertension is not effectively controlled."Atherosclerosis - hardening of blood vessel walls.
Rare cases:»Leukemia»Nasal cancer - associated runny nose, nasal obstruction, sore teeth, sinusitis and in some cases, changes in the volume of the eyes, vision problems and an increase in volume of neighboring nodes. Nasal bleeding is a significant sign of nasal cancer.»Trombopenie - reducing the number of blood platelets"Liver disease (liver disease)"Hereditary coagulopathy (blood clotting)"Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome (hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia). In this case, multiple nosebleeds are the result of arterio-venous aneurysms mucosa.
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