Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kyphosis - Signs and symptoms

Kyphosis may be present without symptoms. Sometimes they develop persistent back pain. Kyphosis is seen as change the appearance of the body. The shoulders may appear rounded, upper column more curved than normal. Mild kyphosis cause symptoms is not detected by routine clinical examination alone.Most patients with a history of kyphosis deformity shows. Patients see a doctor because of incorrect posture of the body. The incidence of pain is low, although 20% of patients complain regional discomfort. Localization in patients with lumbar kyphosis, pain is more pronounced.Complications that can develop through chronic back pain include kyphosis, progressive deformity and neurological deficits.
Medical attention in clinical tabolul kyphosis is directed to five elements:-Pain-Progressive deformation-Neurological compromiseCardiopulmonary-complaints-Cosmetic appearance.
Pain:When is this pain should be consistent with the localization of spinal deformity. Pain may be present in adolescence or adulthood. Characteristically the pain is located distal to the tip of lateral deformation and radiates paraspinal model. Pain is associated with activity and resolves at rest. Adults have lower back pain and kyphosis secondary hiperlordozei under degenerative disc disease and associated with arthropathy or spondilolistoza. Pain symptom onset is 20-60% of patients with kyphosis.Deformation:Progressive deformation in the absence of radiographic confirmation is difficult to document. Patients or family members while worsening deformity. Shoulders appear more rounded, the clothes are placed differently and seems to increase the arm's length from the body.Neurological Complications:Neurological risk associated with kyphosis is rare, but when present require surgery. Close curvature of the spine, vertebral segment is considered a risk few neurological previous compression. Under spinal kyphosis can lead to neurological claudication in adults. Stenosis associated with congenital thoracic Scheuermann kyphosis and myelopathy or may lead to complications when we try Intraoperative correction of deformity.Progressive kyphosis can cause loss of sphincter control, muscle weakness and hypoesthesia.Cardiopulmonary Complications:It is a debut accused of patients with kyphosis. Restrictive lung disease occurs in over 100 degree bends in the thoracic region.
Congenital kyphosisIt is less common than congenital scoliosis but untreated it can cause paraplegia. There are two types of birth defects: defect segmentation and spine formation. Segmentation faults occur mostly in the region and involves 2-8 thoracolombar levels. This tends to lead to a round kyphosis than a sharp, angular-gibus. The main clinical symptom is back pain caused by hiperlordoza complementary. Kyphosis caused by a defect of segmentation begins in adolescence with progressive ossification of the disc space above.Defect formation is more common in one level. Can be previously determined or anterolateral forcing cifoscolioza kyphosis. The more severe defect is prior to both the more severe deformation.Paraplegia may occur early, but is most common in adolescence with the rapid growth of untreated kyphosis. Paraplegia is more common because the chest area has a poor collateral vascular circulation.

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