Friday, January 7, 2011

Enteropathy dermatitis

What is Enteropathy dermatitis?
Enteropathy dermatitis is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by dermatitis and acrala periorificiala, alopecia and diarrhea. Symptoms of acrodermatitis enteropathy occurring in only a few months after birth, immediately after the cessation of breast nutrition. Physical examination showed erythematous patches and panels, dry, scaly eczematoase evolving, veziculobule, erosive lesions and ulcers. Periorificial and acral lesions are distributed on the face, scalp, arms and legs and anogenital area. The clinical picture also includes nail dystrophy, behavioral changes, constipation, anorexia, alopecia.
The cause is a genetic defect that encodes a membrane protein that serves to capture zinc. Symptoms acrodermatitei enteropathy occurring in a few months after stopping breastfeeding after birth. This has led to numerous assumptions, including that breast milk has a specific ligand for zinc in bovine milk not own it. Zinc deficiency may be due to inadequate intake, malabsorbtiei, excessive losses or a combination of these factors. If treated early in evolution most symptoms are reversible and usually leaves no sequelae.
Untreated patients usually die early in life. These shows growth retardation, dermatitis, alopecia, secondary bacterial and fungal infections and neurological and behavioral changes. All these conditions are reversible with therapy. Therapy achieve a 100% survival rate.
In patients with acrodermatitis enteropathy is administered oral zinc gluconate or sulfate. Clinical response is observed in 5-10 days. Zinc therapy should be maintained daily throughout the patient's life, although periods of remission are reported. Exacerbation of disease or stress during pregnancy may require increased dosage. The acquired deficiency of zinc therapy may be stopped if the cause was discovered and treated.

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