Thursday, February 3, 2011

Acrodermatitis enteropathy Treatment

Acrodermatitis enteropathy
Enteropathy in patients with acrodermatitis gluconate or zinc sulfate is administered orally in doses of 1-3 mg / kg / day. Although intravenous administration has been estimated an amount of 300-1000 mcg / kg / day is suficianta to determine the reversibility of symptoms. Clinical response is observed in 5-10 days.
Zinc therapy in acrodermatitis enteropathy is lifelong patient have been reported although periods of remission. Exacerbation during pregnancy require increased dose of stress. The treatment of acquired zinc deficiency may be stopped after precipitating cause has been resolved.
Petroleum warm compresses applied three times daily on scaly dermatitis areas to help reepitelizarea. High doses of zinc supplemented cause gastric diseases and affects the metabolism of copper.
For advanced cases of eye damage may require surgical intervention oculoplastica incluzinc eyelid reconstruction, tarsorafia or epilation therapy. Reconstruction of conjunctival or corneal transplant human amniotic membrane is also a possibility in severe situations. Corneal transplantation may be indicated in severe or jeratita Keratomalacia infectious. It is administered topical treatments, systemic antibiotics in severe skin or eye infections.
Patients with acrodermatitis enteropathy respond uniformly to treatment with zinc with a 100% survival rate. With zinc supplementation improves some symptoms substantially or completely. Left untreated lesions may become infected with staphylococci or candida. Untreated disease leads to death in a few years.

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