Friday, February 11, 2011

Hearing loss

Hearing loss

     * Introduction
     * Causes
     * Diagnosis
     * Treatment
     * Hearing aids
     * Cochlear implant
     * Preventing hearing loss

Hearing loss is the reduction of auditory acuity (no more than 20 decibels). When hearing acuity is greatly diminished or disappears completely, it is about deafness.

Hearing organ consists of a unit of perception and a transmission device. Depending on the affected side, there are two types of hearing loss: perception and transmission.

Perception hearing loss is characterized by a decrease in the transmission of auditory acuity is good, but the perception is flawed.
Hearing loss is the transmission of auditory acuity reduction of harm due to external or middle ear.

The degree of hearing loss is determined by tonal audiometry. According to him, hearing loss is classified into four categories: mild, moderate, severe or profound, each corresponding to a different degree of loss of tone and with different repercussions on language learning in children.

Hearing is essential for the harmonious development of children's language. Therefore, hearing loss, depending on the degree of hearing loss, will disturb more or less degree of communication and language development, and social integration of child

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