Friday, February 11, 2011

Labyrinthitis Treatment


* Introduction
* Classification
* Signs and symptoms
* Causes and Risk Factors
* Treatment
* Measures to prevent

In the case of a viral labyrinthitis, healing is spontaneous and occurs in a few weeks. If no complications occur, treatment will consist in reducing the symptoms and eliminate the underlying cause (for example, treating a bacterial infection). In contrast, requires the establishment of a bacterial labyrinthitis antibiotic therapy or even surgical treatment.

- Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial labyrinthitis
- Antiviral drugs are indicated in some cases to treat viral labyrinthitis
- Some drugs are given to combat nausea and vertijelor: antihistamines, anticholinergics (scopolamine) and antiemetics
- Sedatives are prescribed to relieve the patient (benzodiazepines, etc.)

In rare cases, surgery is required to drain the middle ear purulent collection or removal of a cholesteatoma.

If significant and repeated vomiting, the patient must drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. In severe cases, fluids should be administered intravenously.
Vestibular rehabilitation exercises
Vestibular reeducation involves performing some of the head and body movements to correct loss of balance sensation.
Brandt-Daroff exercises (to restore balance) can be taught by a physiotherapist and practiced at home. Brandt-Daroff exercises are a method of treating vertijele, being successful in 95% of cases. These exercises are practiced in three sets per day (morning, noon and evening) for 2 weeks. In each set, the exercises must be performed five times.

- Starting position: sitting on the bed, feet on ground
- Head turns 45 ° to the left
- Is quickly lying down on the right side, keeping the head tilted to the left (the portion of the head touches the bed behind the right ear)
- To maintain this position for 30 seconds (or until the vertigo goes away)
- Is going to remain in the body and start position
- Turn right and head 45
- Is quickly lying down on the left, keeping the head tilted to the right
- Hold for 30 seconds
- Body is moving and get back to the starting position

We recommend performing this exercise for 2 weeks, 3 times per day, or for 3 weeks, 2 times per day. Thus, we reach a total of 52 sets of exercises. In most patients, complete disappearance of symptoms occurs after 30 sets, or about 10 days. Approximately 30% of patients, episodes of vertigo recur within a year.

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