Friday, February 11, 2011

Epistaxis Diagnosis


     * Introduction
     * Causes
     * Diagnosis
     * Treatment and prevention


Previous sources of hemorrhage are visible from a direct examination with a nasal speculum and a bright light. If the source can not be diagnosed and recurrent bleeding is strong, it is necessary to carry out an endoscopy.

The following laboratory tests are recommended in the presence of serious bleeding or if a coagulopathy is suspected:
»hematocrit - in the presence of persistent bleeding
»formula blood count (NFS) - in the presence of recurrent epistaxis or bleeding disorders.
'bleeding time (TS) - This test is performed in the presence of a suspected coagulopathy
"prothrombin time - test performed if the patient takes warfarin or if liver disease is suspected

Other tests:
"computed tomography (CT) - can be done if a foreign body is suspected, a tumor, a fracture or sinusitis.
»angiography is rarely indicated

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