Friday, February 11, 2011

FMD Ulcers

FMD Ulcers
Ulcer FMD, or aphthous stomatitis is manifested by those small lesions in the mouth, painful but usually heal by itself. Approximately 20% of the population has been affected at some point these oral thrush. Those who have difficulty eating this lesion as touch and pain is potentiated by acidic foods and fruits.
FMD ulcers occur inside the mouth, the cheeks or gums, are oval or round and white, red or gray with reddish edge.
FMD Ulcers
Depending on their size, mouth ulcers are divided into three categories:
- Minor injuries, which have a diameter from 1mm to 10mm. These are the most common (80% of cases) and heal in 7-10 days. - Major injuries (10% of cases) have a diameter greater than 10mm. Healing takes between 10 and 30 days, leaving scars. - Herpetiform ulcers (10% of cases) are formed by a group of lesions with a diameter less than 3mm. Heal in 7-10 days.
The difference between FMD and herpes ulcers
Lesions of these two disorders are easily confused, but the two are very different causes. Canker sores are painful lesions appeared burning in the mouth, the soft palate and tongue surface, with rounded form. Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus is very contagious. Lesions caused by herpes usually occur outside lips and mouth. Herpes symptoms include fever, malaise and swollen lymph nodes.
FMD causes ulcers is unknown precisely, although these injuries are very common. Are generally attributed to stress and of infringement of tissue.
The condition can be caused by hereditary factors or irritants, or may be aggravated by certain foods, such as CITIC juice, excessive consumption of sugar or spicy foods. Among causes and may include hormonal changes, food allergies and emotional stress.
Mouth disease lesions can occur at any age but usually between the ages of 10 and 40 years. Women are more prone than men. Ulcer often erupts when FMD virus infections.
Responding to a British study, about 20% of patients, the ulcer FMD was partly caused by nutritional deficiencies, especially vitamin B12, folic acid and iron.
Other causes physical trauma potinclude - brushing too zealous, orthodontic appliances, metal, smoking, poor hearing. Immune diseases such as lupus, Crohn's disease or regional enteritis, or inflammation can cause tissue swelling.
Usually the first symptom is a burning or itching. FMD ulcer occurs mainly on the moving parts of the mouth - tongue, lips and inside the cheeks and gums. Lesions appear at first like red spots, then become whitish or yellowish, surrounded by a red circle. The lesions usually heal in 2-3 weeks. Mouth ulcers often recur. Painful lesions may cause loss of appetite.
Mouth disease lesions usually heal on their own, but if the dimensions exceed 10mm and healing takes longer than three weeks, it is advisable to consult your doctor. This may indicate local application of tetracycline or steroids, and analgesics for pain.
Try to avoid spicy and acidic foods, because it worsens the condition. Rinse mouth with salt water or an antimicrobial mouthwash. If lesions recur frequently, are given blood tests to rule out other possible diseases - Crohn's disease, glutamate, Enteropathy, regional enteritis, lupus or AIDS.
- Chamomile - This herb has been used for thousands of years, and is useful in treating sore throat, gingivitis, eczema, colds, abscesses, etc.. According to one study, 82% of those affected by FMD reported improved ulcer "excellent" pain. Beware of possible allergic reactions - swelling of the lips and eyes, itching, hives, shortness of breath. Chamomile may interact with sedatives, alcohol and anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs.
- Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) - This herb is a popular treatment for throat infections safe, diseases related to menopause, dysmenorrhea and skin rashes. Been shown to relieve pain and cure plant disease lesions.
- Vitamin B12 - Individuals who have been repeatedly affected by FMD ulcer showed deficiencies of vitamin B12. That vitamin supplements should be administered with tetracycline, as they reduce the effectiveness of the antibiotic.
- Wood-glicirhizinat Sweet (licorice Deglycyrrhizinated)
- Avoid very spicy foods or acidic foods, if you are prone to ulcers FMD. - Dentures must be waxed to injure oral mucosa. - Frequent use of mouthwash can decrease the frequency of occurrence of aphthae.

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