Sunday, February 20, 2011



* Introduction
* Cases frigiditatii
* Diagnosis and treatment
Frigidity is a sexual dysfunction that is manifested by indifference or aversion to sexual activity, reduced libido and inability to orgasm.
Frigidity should not be confused with other forms of female sexual dysfunction. Dyspareunia is manifested by the appearance of pain during intercourse and at first evoke an organic cause. Vaginismus is an involuntary contraction of the perineal muscles, because of which the penetration becomes difficult or impossible and is primarily psychological origin. Anorgasmia is absent (or partial) of orgasm, although sexual desire is maintained.
Some sexologists frigidity defined as the total absence of both pleasure and arousal during intercourse, regardless of partner, as well as through masturbation. Regardless of the way down, it is obvious that a woman who is also suffering from frigidity anorgasmia (while a woman is not automatically anorgasmia frigid).
One can distinguish primary frigidity, which still exists at the beginning of sexual life of women of secondary frigidity, which is installed after a period in which the woman had sex more or less satisfactory.
Primary frigidity is associated with negative attitudes about sexuality or intimacy, different phobias, sexual inhibition, strictly religious education, secret masturbation, etc.. Secondary frigidity may be due to fatigue, stress or depression, but may result because of pregnancy, IVS (voluntary interruption of pregnancy), infertility, hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) or menopause.
The statistics show that 10% of women suffering from anorgasmia or frigidity. Instead, a greater number of women, about 30%, absence of orgasm through penetration charge, while I can have orgasms through clitoral stimulation.

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