Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lentigo Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms
Lentigo occurs in children and adults, though children are more genetically related injuries such as Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Adults have earned Pein expuenre chronic injuries that cause such solar lentigo. Lentiginozei initial appearance varies widely and depends on: -Race History of exposure -Genetic predisposition -Other factors that vary with the type of lentigo.
Physical examination depends on the type of lentigo:
Lentigo simplex (simple lentigo or lentigo juvenile) is the best form of lentigo cumuna: -Is not induced by exposure to sunlight and is not associated with systemic diseases Clinically, lesions are round or oval macules 3-15 mm in diameter asymptomatic -Edges can be smooth or notched their -Lesions are few in number and may appear anywhere on the skin or mucous -Usually appear early in childhood but may be present at birth or may develop later -Pigmentation is distributed homogeneously with a color ranging from brown to black.
Solar lentigo (lentigo actinic or senile lentigo, sun spots, liver spots) is the most common sun-induced benign lesion that appears on exposed areas: -Appears on the face, arms, dorsal amiiinilor, the top half of trunghiului Spots are initially small, less than 5 mm in diameter -Surface is flat or depressed lesions and fine wrinkles can be crossed by -Are brown, but color varies from yellow to black -Increase slightly in number and size, many injuries are coalescent, forming large patches -Although they are common in persons 30-50 years and younger are seen today due to sun exposure and use of artificial tanning sources -Although they are often called liver spots are not a manifestation of systemic disease.
Lentigo in ink spots (or reticulated black solar lentigo) gene occurs in people with Celtic: Benign lesions are hardened, and looks like ink stains -Distribution is limited to sun-exposed areas of the body similar to the solar lentigo Solar lentigo-over patients have only one blob and numerous solar lentigo -These lesions can be differentiated from pigmented kentigo exposure to UV-crosslinked and character of many central and peripheral areas of normal skin Because melanoma may suggest initial-black color, irregular edge and few, however, further evaluation with biopsy showed their benign nature.
Lentigo to psoralen and UV-A is characterized by persistent patches, brown occurring in six months or more after starting therapy with psoralen and ultraviolet A for psoriasis: -Lesions resemble solar lentigo but more irregular edges and may mimic efelidele -Appearance of lesions is closely associated with large doses cumolative psoralen-UV-A and appear at treatment -Developing areas include the back, mumbled, thighs, glans penis -Does not appear on the underarms, palms, buttocks -Lesions ranging from 3-8 mm in diameter but may be stellate lesions larger than 3 cm -Lentigo may persist for 3-6 months after therapy was teraminata, stellate lesions may persist for up to two years.
Resembles lentigo lentigo irradiation of UV-induced but frequently include other histological signs of destruction by irradiation of the skin is dermal atrophy, subcutaneous fibrosis, keratosis and teleangiectaziile: The presence of lentigo-iardiere is considered an indicator of a previous skin exunerii a single high dose of ionizing radiation (Chernobyl accident) -These injuries do not occur after local fractionated radiation therapy -Potential malignant lesions is not yet known melanoma induction by ionizing radiation has never been proven.
Lentiginoza by artificial tanning in the sun occurs in women who use these devices: Lentiginoza-is similar to psoralen-UV-A are not only involved psoralenii -Location is acrala despite whole body exposure Encountered on the previous areas of the arms and legs but also the neck and chest Lesion-size range, are generally 2-5 mm in diameter with brown to black color Lentigo-some can be merged and become larger -Pigmentation can be uneven, irregularly shaped or stellate -Injuries can occur suddenly after intense tanning session or 1 year after -Their malignant potential is unknown.
Oral and labial macules melanotice are similar between them: -Labial lesions appear on the lower lip and the color varies from brown, blue to blue-black up. Occasionally appears striped pigmentation -Lesions are solitary, and asymptomatic symmetrical -Oral lesions appear on the gums, buccal mucosa, palate, tongue, having a diameter less than 4 mm -Age of onset is 25-71 years -Differential diagnosis includes Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Laugier-Hunziker syndrome -Absence of systemic elements affecting other places and help them differentiate syndromes Melanotice macules and oral-labial lesions are benign, however, requires biopsy suggests malignancy.
Lentigo penis and vulvar macules are benign lesions similar melanotice: Men-the most common locations are the glans penis, corona, coronary groove, -Lesions vary in color and shape from brown to black, have irregular borders and areas without lesions -Diameter can reach 15 mm Female-genital mucosa lesions appear anywhere on the pigmented spots free zones -Diemetrul may be higher mmsau 5-15 -Lesions may appear on postpartum episiotomy scars Lentigo involving external genitalia, are reported and LAMB syndrome.
Lentiginoza profuse (generalized lentigo) is characterized by numerous abnormalities associated with lentigo no signs or triggers: Clinically resembles the appearance but the distribution is generalized efelidele -Areas usually involved are the extremities, trunk, palms and genitalia Mucosal surfaces such as conjunctiva, may also be affected, but normal oral mucosa is Macules, ranging from 1mm to 2 cm in diameter Macules-color varies from brown to black - Appears similar to cutaneous manifestations of LEOPARD syndromes, LAMB and NAME, however, lack the "Association" systemic abnormalities associated with these syndromes.
Lentiginoza agnimated (segmental, unilateral, partial unilateral) is characterized by numerous lentigo on a segment of the body with a precise demarcation at the midline: -Distribution corresponding to a dermatome or more Rarely, lesions may be distributed unilaterally, bilaterally or in clusters median -Disease usually occurs in early childhood, although it can be noted at birth and -These lesions are associated with many diseases Macules-clinical leziuniole appear well circumscribed, tan or brown skin healthy.
Xeroderma pigmentosum is an autosomal recessive disease that affects the extremities of the inability of cells to repair DNA damaged by exposure to ultraviolet light and certain chemicals: Clinically, patients have skin atrophy and progressive pigmentary changes Skin-neoplastic changes occur frequently in childhood, squamous and basal cell carcinomas are the most common Other cancers such as melanoma, may also occur Evolves, these changes in sun-exposed areas especially the scalp, face and neck -Is diagnosed in young children who are otherwise healthy -Children should avoid sun exposure due to accelerating changes that lead to skin neoplasms -Ocular and neurological defects associated with xeroderma pigmentosum.
LEOPARD syndrome (lentigo, electrocardiographic conduction defects, pulmonary stenosis, ocular hypertelorism, abnormal genitalia, retreated growth and deafness) is a complex disease that is transmitted dismorfogenetice autosomal dominant with variable penetrance: -Diagnosis can be difficult because most patients have 3-5 events -Lentigo is the most common feature of the syndrome, although it is not necessary to diagnose the syndrome In the absence of lentigo-diagnosis can be made if the patient has three elements of a close relative with the disease and disease -Lentigo are present at birth and increase in number until puberty -Back injuries are undeserved, trunk, neck, but can be extended and include genitalia, palms, soles and scalp -Intensity of pigmentation varies -May miss some parts of the face or be limited to one side.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease with high penetrance and is characterized by gastrointestinal polyps and pigmented macules: Hamartosi affect polyps are benign, whole intestine, the jejunum characteristic Cause recurrent rectal bleeding-chair and jelly -Patients have intussusceptie with obstruction, abdominal pain, rectal prolapse, vomiting Lentiginoza is brown-black. Macules that occur in childhood, with dimensions of 1-12 mm Hiperpigmenatte-macules occurring in 95% of patients with characteristic distribution around the lips or oral mucosa mouth, face and nose , And lesions appear on the fingers of both hands and feet girls Characteristic lesions, missing and extensor surface of the rest of the body flezoare Macules persist-mouth while the rest are faded with time -Almost all women have sexual tumors, small, bilateral, and multifocal asymptomatic tumors are found in men gonadal -Women at risk for breast cancer, unilateral or bilateral.
Laugier-Hunziker syndrome is characterized by a variable number of patches pigmenatte that appear most frequently on the lower lip, buccal mucosa, hard palate and occasionally the fingers. Other sites include the corner of lip, tongue, gums, floor of mouth, throat, chest, abdomen, nails and feet: Lentigo-humeral and confluence can be but rarely is linearly -Nail injuries occur frequently. The edges are smooth and well defined -Color varies from brown, blue and black Is developing, although sndromul chronic asymptomatic persons are without remission -Occurs in people of 25-50 years in sex Mabe.
Mixoma syndrome is associated with mucocutaneous lentigo with other anomalies. Some constellations of anomalies have received specific names. LAMB (lentigo, atrial myxomas, mucocutaneous myxomas and blue nevi) syndromes is u7nul of mixoma: -Lentigo occurs mostly on the lips, face, sclera, and vulva -Lesions are brown, up to 1cm , Mucocutaneous myxomas appear as dermal papules or nodules in various locations on the body, including breasts, shoulders, oral mucosa, tongue -Cardiac myxomas are rare in children and usually occur in the form of atrial myxomas clinically evident thromboembolic episodes and intermittent valvular obstructions The notes associated with a benign thyroid nodules.
NAME (nevi, atrial myxomas, myxoid neurofibroma, efelide) is another syndrome mixoma: -Involves multiple macules, flat pigmented -Lesions appear at ANSTI and summer stresses -Colored lesions varies from pale to dark brown -Affected areas are the neck, trunk, palms and soles.
Carney syndrome includes mixomatoase breast masses, heart, skin, lentigo, blue nevi, endocrine disorders, testicular tumors: -Is this a multicentric and bilateral organ damage in young patients -Skin myxomas are seen on the eyelids, nipples, scalp, face, oral mucosa, ears, neck, trunghi, limbs, perineum. Cardiac myxomas are single-or multiple and cause fibrosis and calcification -There are two types of pigmented macules: blue nevi and lentigo Lentigo is brown-black, 0. 2-2 mm in diameter, irregularly shaped, jagged edges -Are spread throughout the body and brown spots may coalesce forming -Can be found on the face, eyelids, ears, lips margins, conjunctiva, vulva, glans penis and extremities -Impaired endocrine tumors include pigmented neuroectodermal calfiante, pituitary adenoma with acromegaly and gigantism, and Cushing's syndrome Sertoli cell tumors, including testicular, and adrenocortical Leyding Mammary-impaired include gynecomastia.
Lentiginoza heredity can occur in blacks: -This form is characterized by pigmented macules on the face and lips Additional damage is apparent on the ankle, knee, thigh and surfaces palmoplantare -Lesions are not present on the oral mucosa and are not associated with organ damage or risk of cancer -Model appears to be autosomal dominant hereditary African-gene families ameroindiene and those with red hair are affected.
Nevus and lentigo lesion spread is a pigmentary nevus. A single cancer with little potential to develop into melanoma. It is obvious that multiple pigmented macules and won bonded with congenital model. 

Signs and symptoms

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