Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pilar keratosis Symptoms and Diagnosis

Pilar keratosis
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Pilar keratosis age of onset is in the first decade of life. Symptoms increase with puberty. However Pilar keratosis can occur in people of any age and is common in children. Patients report a rough texture and poor cosmetic appearance of skin. Eruptions are asymptomatic except for occasional itching. Pilar keratosis Many people are not aware of the disease, the fact that it has a name and it is treatable. Pilar keratosis is generally a cosmetic problem. It is seen in healthy people who present to the dermatologist for another problem.
Physical examination. Pilar keratosis physical elements are limited to the skin. Upon examination rough skin on upper arms and waist is affected. This is decsrisa as chicken skin. Frequently, the bumble are agglomerated 10-100 reads a small area. Paplarea shows a texture like fine sand. Some bumble can easily produce a halo of red or pink indicating inflammation. In some cases fire may issue scratching the surface of hair coloring.
Note the small 1-2 mm papules foliculocentrice keratoses. they are central threads of hair. Erythema may be present and the lesions can be easily colored. Bumb expresionata from each can be a material amount of keratosis. Pustules and cysts are rare. Areas involved include the arms, thighs, cheeks.
Pilar keratosis
Symptoms and Diagnosis

Histological examination. Microscopic examination showed hyperkeratosis Pilar keratosis pilaris, hipergranuloza and plugs in each hair follicle. Upper dermis may superficial perivascular inflammatory changes infiltratorii. Papules are thought to occur through excessive accumulation of keratin and the formation of plugs in the follicular openings. The differential diagnosis is made with the following conditions: acne vulgaris, atopic dermatitis, folliculitis, follicular keratosis, Kyrle disease, lichen nitidus, lichen spinulosum, milia, perforating folliculitis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, trichostasiz spinulosa, ichthyosis.

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