Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Melanoma Treatment

For skin tumors, survival depends on tumor depth and the precocity of diagnosis. Developed melanomas on mucous membranes have a poor prognosis. After metastatic melanoma, survival at 5 years is 10%.
Surgery Treatment consists of surgical excision with safety margins. After the surgery under local anesthesia, the area is cauterized with an electrical current.
Cryosurgery For some small tumors, localized superficial Cryosurgery is used (using liquid nitrogen) to destroy the affected tissue.
Laser photocoagulation Laser beam to kill cancer cells. Laser photocoagulation is sometimes used for cancers that affect only the outer layer of skin.
Radiotherapy Radiotherapy is sometimes used to treat cancer where surgery is difficult to make (eyelid, nose, etc.).
Topical Chemotherapy Unoeri, anticancer drugs can be applied directly to the area touched. The treatment is followed daily for several weeks.
Immunotherapy Which is still in experimental stage in terms of skin cancers, immunotherapy is to strengthen the immune system, with pharmaceuticals, for beating cancer.
Skin graft When a significant portion of skin was surgically removed, a skin graft is used.

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