Monday, June 6, 2011

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by a localized inflammation, acute or chronic nasal mucosa. It manifests itself through a series of symptoms (sneezing, nasal obstruction and secretions) due to an excessive immune reactions in the presence of foreign substances, called allergens. The amount of allergen present in the air and awareness of the individual decisively influence the occurrence and severity of symptoms.
Depending on the person, allergens can be pollen, mold, animal dander, dust mites and other particles. When these substances come in contact with the eyes or airways of allergic person, the immune system triggers an inflammatory reaction. Histamine and other inflammatory substances are produced. The reaction of blood vessel dilation and increase train-related secretion of allergic rhinitis symptoms.
Allergic rhinitis is often associated with conjunctivitis and other diseases such as sinusitis.
Allergic rhinitis often occurs between 5 and 20 years.

There are two types of allergic rhinitis:

Seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) - occur each year in the same period and is most often associated with conjunctivitis. Crises occur with increasing the concentration of pollen in the air.
Seasonal rhinitis occurs mainly during spring and summer, during the flowering season of plant allergens. In early spring, the case is represented by tree pollen, while in July, grasses (grass, hay and grass) trigger allergic reactions.

Perennial allergic rhinitis - lasts all year round and is often associated with asthma. It is constantly present due to allergens in the environment: house dust mites, animal dander, mold.
Affected person seems permanently frozen. Perennial rhinitis allergy is caused by substances present enduring life. Crisis often starts in the morning and can be repeated several times a day.
Mites are very common cause of perennial rhinitis. Dust mites are microscopic organisms that feed on scales of human skin and proliferate in conditions of heat and moisture. Found in mattresses, pillows, carpets, sofas and house dust.
A third category of rhinitis can be detected: it is professional rhinitis, triggered by exposure to various allergens in the workplace.

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