Superficial pain can be reduced by applying a local anestheticointment effect. Also, before sexual intercourse is recommended to apply a lubricant, preferably water based. (oil-based lubricantscan affect contraceptive devices such as condoms or diaphragm).For better vaginal lubrication, foreplay should be given moreattention. Deep pain can be reduced by adopting a differentposition during intercourse.
Dyspareunia caused by vaginal dryness and thinning aftermenopause can be treated with creams that contain estrogen inhormone replacement therapy.
Inflammation and infection can be treated with antibiotics andantifungals. In case of inflammation of the vulva (vulva), wetcompresses of aluminum acetate solution may be beneficial.
Treatment may include surgical removal of cysts or abscesses, orrepair a defect anatomatice.
If the uterine prolapse is due dispareuniei can use a pessary - adevice similar to diaphragms, placed in the vagina to support andreposition the uterus. Using a pessary may relieve pain in some women.
Couple Therapy often helps to identify negative attitudes aboutsex, to improve communication between partners and to resolveproblems that may be involved in causing dispareuniei.
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