Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Osteomyelitis - Signs and symptoms

Osteomyelitis can be acute, subacute or chronic osteomyelitis in acute pain is the main accused local swelling and local heat. They occur in association with fever and malaise. Local examination reveals pyrexia, local tenderness and redness.
The clinical picture in acute osteomyelitis in children includes:Drowsiness, irritability and-Minimal constitutional symptoms-Articular effusion.
The clinical picture for older children include:-Bone pain, history of trauma, infection, skin or respiratory history-Malaise, irritability and anorexia-Fever, the resistance to the use of member, Localized swelling, redness and local heatIn a pressure-sensitive pointMovement of adjacent joint-pain-Regional lymphadenopathy.
The clinical picture in patients with sickle cell disease and acute osteomyelitis:-Multiple areas of damage to long bones diafizelor-Symptoms of fever, bone pain, swelling and rednessAcute bone crisis 50 times more common in sickle cell disease-S. aureus is the pathogen common in these patients.
The clinical picture of adults with acute osteomyelitis:Disease-in Posttraumatic osteomyelitis can occur in a week-3 months after injurySevere systemic-onset may be absent-Vertebral osteomyelitis may be present-Symptoms include back pain, reduced movement of the spine, muscle spasm of paraspinali-Sensitivity to palpation of the spinous processes.
Complications-Chronic osteomyelitis resulting from persistent infectious organisms-Metastatic infection in children under 2 years as a result of spreading the infection transfizeale-Angular bone deformity as a result of bone growth stops-Pathological fracturesBacteremia or sepsis-Soft-tissue infection and persistent sinus-Premature epiphyseal fusion.
Unlike acute osteomyelitis, chronic form does not result in any constitutional symptoms. Patients have persistent bone pain, acute exacerbation.Picture of tuberculous osteomyelitis:-History of tuberculosis, attacks of fever and malaise-Nocturnal seizures, intense episodes of pain in affected bones-Emanciere muscle, synovial thickening and restriction of joint movements-Kyphosis, back pain, signs and symptoms of spinal compression.
The clinical picture in syphilis:Pain, refusal affected limb movement-Local swelling, redness and local heat-Fever, nausea, general discomfort-Drainage of pus through the skin.

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