Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Break - Signs and symptoms

The production will cause a fracture of general and local signs.General signs occur more frequently in lower limb, open fracture, in polifracturi or politraumatisme. They are characterized by agitation, anxiety, pallor, phenomena that can go up to shock.Local signs include pain at the site and functional impotence. In time the local fracture patient feels pain diminish violence that remains a painful background that exacerbates the attempt to mobilize the segment. This result tends to keep the immobilized member, so functional impotence. The inspection area is interested may see swelling deformation region, the emergence of vicious positions by moving fragments that shorter segment.Bruising occurs late.
Pain on palpation is found in fixed, circumferential. For bones located subcutaneously referral can interrupt continuity of bone.The mobilization region showed an abnormal mobility fragments accompanied by crepitus due to friction between them. Printing a distal fracture segment movement is followed by the transmission is proximal.
"Association for the Study of osteosynthesis" calsifica codified a common language for creating fractures in trauma. The classification includes a code of two symbols in which:- First digit is the location of the skeleton, each segment has received a number: arm 1, 2 forearm, thigh 3, leg 4, column 5, the basin in June, tomorrow 7 foot 8, 9 girdleThe second figure represents the location of the bone, each long bone was divided into three segments numbered as follows: a proximal epiphysis, diaphysis 2, 3 and distal malelolele 4Diagnosis, these three symbols are: A second-fracture segments, three segments B and C cominutivaThe fourth letter defines the type of fracture: spiroida A1, A2-diagonal cross-A3.
Fractures may be stable after immobilization, those not at risk of displacement. Such fractures are the "green wood" and the missing transverse fractures of the tibia, fractures involved.Unstable fractures are at risk of secondary displacement after reduction and cast immobilization. It needed an orthopedic or surgical shunting in addition to their stabilization.

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