Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nicotine patch

Nicotine patch

The patch delivers a measured dose of nicotine through the skin. Since the release nicotine gradually over a period of 16 or 24 hours, the patch offers the advantage of providing a regular and measurable nicotine intake. Regular intake is helpful to normalize the secretion of dopamine, while measurable aspect allows dose adjustment according to specific needs of former smokers. The maximum duration of use is 8 weeks.

Doses are calculated either for 16 hours or for 24 hours:
Nicotine patch
 - Patch for 16 hours is effective in smokers with mild to moderate dependence. Risk of adverse effects is lower. This does not provide nicotine patch during the night, so no control withdrawal symptoms in the morning.
 - 24-hour patch provides a steady dose of nicotine and is effective in controlling the symptoms of withdrawal in the morning. But there are risks of adverse effects such as skin irritation and sleep disorders.

Depending on body weight, most smokers can start with a patch with a large dose of nicotine (15-22 mg) daily for 4 weeks, then going to a weaker patch (5-14 mg) another 4 weeks. The patch should be applied morning on a stretch of dry skin without excessive hairiness. Should be placed below the neck and above the abdomen (eg, arm). The duration of use should not exceed 8 weeks.
Nicotine patch
Side effects of nicotine patch depends on: nicotine dose, duration of use, method of application and individual characteristics (predisposition to skin reactions at the patch application).

Side effects of nicotine patch refer to:
 - Irritation - redness and itching
 - Dizziness
 - Tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat)
 - Headache (headache)
 - Sleep disorders
 - Nausea and vomiting
 - Muscle pain
Nicotine patch
Conduct for harm:
 - Reducing the amount of nicotine by using a lower dose patch
 - Sleep disorders can be temporary and disappear in 3 or 4 days. Otherwise, people using 24-hour patch can try a patch for 16 hours.
 - Stopping the use of nicotine patches and adoption of other forms of treatment.

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