Thursday, November 15, 2012



Condoms and condom is a means of protection from unwanted pregnancy and against STIs. It is intended to cover the erect penis out.
Most of the time it is made of very thin latex. Some condoms are coated with a lubricant or spermicide substances.
In some countries there are condoms for women (or "Femidom"), covering the walls of the vagina.
Efficiency is high: 3 pregnancies per 100 women in first year of use if used correctly every sexual contact.
In common use are somewhat effective - 14 pregnancies per 100 women in first year of use.

- Condoms are the best ways to prevent STIs and HIV / AIDS;
- Helps prevent pathological states caused by STI - pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pain, infertility, cervical cancer;
- Can be used during pregnancy for preenirea STIs;
- No side effects, are innocuous;
- Can be used by women during lactation;
- Helps prevent ectopic pregnancy, does not require daily administration;
- Can be used without the help of medical staff;
- You can buy from many places;
- Their use may be discontinued at any time with immediate reversibility;
- Helps prevent premature ejaculation;
- Involve men in contraception.
- Sometimes can cause allergies (the lubricant or latex);
- Can decrease the intensity of sensation during intercourse;
- Interfere with intercourse;
- There is a risk to break or slip during intercourse, male cooperation is needed;
- For some people buying condoms, talk with your partner / a about their use can be uncomfortable
Verify the purchase date of manufacture and expiry date applies only condom condoms erect penis!

For proper use:
> Open the package;
> Remove the condom carefully;
> Keep the rolled up condom;
> Bleed the air from the top of the condom;
> Pull back the foreskin;
> Put the condom on the tip of the penis in erection coils;
> Completely unrolled condom to the penis;
> Follow intercourse;
> Man ejaculates;
> After ejaculation, the condom is maintained Stans to the penis to not slip;
> Withdraw the penis before it completely out of the state of erection;
> Lean penis and gently pull the condom;
> Take the condom node;
> Take the condom in the trash (Avoid release to the toilet, where condom floats) not throw condoms in places where children may be at hand that can play with him, exposing the risk of infection.
If a condom breaks, you can immediately apply a spermicide into the vagina in the form of a gel or cream, wash the vagina and penis with soap and water will reduce the risk of developing STIs. To prevent pregnancy, women will require emergency contraception.

Condoms should be stored in cool and dark place, away from sunlight. Heat, light and moisture damage condoms. If the package is damaged, do not use condoms.

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