Thursday, November 15, 2012
Frequency of sex - sex important?
Frequency of sex - sex important?
From the moment we are born health, growth and our development is based on a series of comparisons of numbers, numbers. Competition always be normal and above average is endless and frustrating. It appears in sex once a couple partners take their commitment to each other: begin to wonder at some point if they have a healthy sex life, you do often enough sex compared with other couples and about how long the average sex successful, disregarding individual characteristics of particular couple.
Depending on the individual opinion or not, interested or not the subject can receive multiple answers: You receive a box / book of a renowned sex therapist to teach you how to calculate the exact number, recommended frequency of sex, you can call various statistics for To find out how often people worldwide practice some sex, read comparative research studies conducted by manufacturers of condoms or lubricants or you can ask your friends who rarely will be very honest with you about this. When in fact all about knowledge and adaptation, not an exact statistics: numbers of studies and statistics are relevant only under certain conditions, influenced only by certain factors and information are not finding a rule.
Frequency of sex - sex important?
Frequency with which some couples sex workers depend mainly on three factors: age, relationship duration and overall health partners. So generally older couples sex practice less than younger in a long-term relationship at the beginning of the relationship the sex is more common, and in case of medical problems (anorgasmia, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation) frequency sexual acts depend on the seriousness of the situation, the possibility of treatment etc.
Why still want to know how often other couples have sex? It's a fair question and I think you should first try to find the answer to this question is the optimal frequency than sex. Why is it so important to know that number? Universal truth is this: some couples likely to have sex more often than you, others less, but if you want to mbunatatesti your sex life is not statistics that will help in this regard but sex education.
Influences the frequency of intercourse
Most studies revealed that the married couples sex frequency decreases as the relationship progresses, a rate even higher than the Gross unmarried couples with long term relationships.
Myth that men are more interested in sex than women is not necessarily true, but it is true that women are more subtle and more difficult to recognize that often they think about sex and have some sexual fantasies. Study (British Medical Journal) have established that the differences in terms of interest in sex, sexual physical conduct of sexual pleasure and increase the gap between the sexes, with age. Approximately 40% of men compared with 17% of sexually active women aged between 75-85 years.
The two age-related factors are related, aging relationships and partners, and it is difficult to say with certainty which one causes decline in sexual frequency: chronological age or same sex partner habit over time. The fact is that both factors have an important role to reduce the frequency of sexual activity. As men and women age place certain physical changes, structural changes (general and genital), increased disease incidence, decreased endurance, decreased libido and increase sex-negative attitude all contribute significantly to sexually inactive, sedentary. Also the novelty loss caused by maintaining a single sex partner for many years, leading to decreased frequency of sexual activity.
There are other regular events taking place in the life of a couple associated lead to massive changes in the frequency of sexual activity: factors related to birth (temporary abstinence), pregnancy (pain, temporary abstinence in some cases), the appearance of children (lack of privacy, fatigue ), service (fatigue, lack of time), household duties - all these factors limit torque sexual desire and opportunities for sex.
Some couples come to a sexually active, dynamic, adapting to different circumstances and events couple others but indulge in this situation the interest is very low, very low sexual desire, sexual activities are becoming increasingly rare, but may engage in other forms nonsexual contact and affection.
Frequency of sex - sex important?
At the beginning of a relationship frequency of sexual activity is quite high, libido and physical resist saying this frequency. In the first few months, even 1-2 years, gender and sexual foreplay is like a drug as addictive as they engage in various sexual activities satisfactory, they want more, not being able to keep your hands off each other's body , eager to explore your partner's body / Her.
After a few years the same torque is reduced slightly from adventurous escapades and sexual frequency decreases. Things start to happen in slow, precise, reliable. It goes from wild sex at depth, passion third sufleasca heat. I still have that addiction partner, but decreases of originality, creativity in terms of life, sexual dynamics.
Then as time passes sexual frequency decreases more and more as new responsibilities arise and routine relationship, sex is just a way of satisfaction of sexual needs. And most often occurs when sexual dissatisfaction and couples are seen thrown into such situations and awareness gap disturbing sexual relationship or previous moments of relationship will be embarrassed, shy in asking your partner / her to work for reininnoirea, reviving life sex for fear of rejection. This conflicts arise, infidelity and adultery.
Here are Ativ factors that contribute significantly to decrease the frequency of sex in couples:
> Familiarity: predictitbilitatea kills spontaneity and lack of sexual passion and emotion, excitement specify, but as long as there is still mutual physical attraction and mental and spiritual opening a long relationship couples can enrich their increasingly sexual experience.
> Aging: decreased hormone levels - decreased libido, decreased stamina, energy and dynamism low-harm sexual body.
> Lack of confidence, low self-esteem: if you do not consider worthy / of love and attention to your partner, not considered sexy and you feel good about your body, these feelings will stop to feel fulfilled in their sex life .
> Conflict: generate stress, resentment, hostility between partners and it negatively affects life couple and sex.
> Children: is fatigue, more responsibilities, less privacy for the couple, their relationship less energy and last but not least female hormonal changes may deprive women of interest, sexual desire.
Reasons why sex is not a priority in your relationship can be:
- Physical: fatigue, routine medical problems.
- Emotional: unresolved differences of opinion (which prevents them from being affectionate and passionate with each other), unhealthy attitudes toward sex (sense of duty), cultural differences in terms of gender approach and the idea of torque (which can affect quality and frequency of sex in couples, marriage), untreated psychological problems, not exceeding (anxiety, fear after rape, incest, etc.).
Other reasons may be a job applicant stressful conflicts unpleasant events in the family, financial difficulties, infidelity of one partner, problems of mutual trust.
If a couple notice dramatic changes in their sex life and can not reach a consensus on the causes and solutions to solve, the best solution is specialist advice. But the most important here is to recognize that a problem exists together and have enough desire and commitment to solve the problem.
Frequency of sex - sex important?
Benefit the couple has a high sexual frequency
It has been scientifically and medically proven that sex has benefits in terms of physical, emotional and psychological individual. So that the frequency of lovemaking in turn produce many positive effects on the torque generated outside pleasure sexual activity (sexually safe, protected).
In terms of emotional, sexual high frequency contributes to a sense of youth, vigor in couple, partners feel more dynamic, more lively, more calm and less irritable. Exhibit a very low level of insecurity and a high level of commitment to the partner. From a health perspective, sex is healthy and regular sex reduces menstrual cramps, improves digestion and memory contribute to a peaceful sleep, reduce stress and fatigue levels in the body, having a therapeutic effect on the immune system. Regular sex stimulates brain activity and development of new dendrites in the brain.
Partners longevity increases, psychologists explaining this by the help and mutual support granted in life, a high frequency of sex - a real tonic in terms of stress.
Other benefits of a regular sex (high frequency of sexual activity) are:
- Improving self-esteem;
- Partners can enjoy physical and mental stimulation by practicing a regular sex (higher sexual frequency);
- A deep emotional attachment between the partners;
- A low incidence of sexual diseases by maintaining a constant frequency, moderate (sex is healthy - cardiovascular exercise, enhance physical fitness level);
- Improve body posture (sex as a method of exercise, high frequency to maintain flexibility);
- Energy, vitality and joy of life, release endorphins and oxytocin in the body during sex, a high frequency of sex cause a high level of endorphins in the body constant (happiness hormones);
- Optimism and positivity in attitude and behavior;
- Practiced regularly is a real sex relieve stress and anxiety, becoming calmer partners;
- A lower mortality rate by practicing a regular sex;
- Reducing the risk of prostate cancer;
- Maintain firmness buttocks and abdomen (often realized and sustained rhythmic movement is an exercise for toning the body);
- Reduce certain body pains (menstrual cramps, muscle aches, headache);
- Reduce / eliminate depression;
- Enhance the sense of smell;
- Ensure a better control of the bladder (urinary incontinence);
- Produces certain chemicals in the brain that stimulates the growth of dendrites;
- Lowers levels of cortisol (the hormone that triggers fatigue and cravings);
- Helps shape the body by burning 300 calories / h during a sex session.
Frequency of sex - sex important?
Considering the beneficial effect of an increased frequency in terms of sexual activity, couples need to maintain a positive attitude toward sex and healthy, experiencing new activities sexual pleasurable for both partners.
Consummation of love between two people has always been associated with sexual intimacy. It is very important to maintain happiness and sexual satisfaction in your relationship to avoid boredom, monotony and destroy relationships due to sexual dissatisfaction reasons: unlike financial problems in a relationship, marriage, passion and sex are two things we can control ourselves, to master the mind and our body.
Quantity or quality?
In a relationship, I do not think sex is measured in terms of quantity. How much is enough? Something less than what you want now. How much is too much? Something more than you want now. In conclusion: the carrying frequency of sexual activities are determined by many factors such as feelings, certain aspects of the relationship, partner access, health status and how much we are willing to put the tray compromise in some time. Measurement method depends on the beliefs, feelings partners, not a figure set by some person.
Another problem set amount as a way to measure sexual tend to torque it will set the wrong direction: to achieve a goal, a magic number that will promise a happy sex life. And then you have to ask yourself if your goal is to diversify your sex life, enjoy your sex life as a couple, you feel fulfilled and satisfied or do you have to reach a standard?
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