Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Runner knee - first aid

Runner knee - first aid

The knee is composed of three main bones: the femur corresponding thigh and tibia and fibula corresponding leg. These bones are connected by a series of ligaments, connective tissue - to form the knee joint. More than a fourth joint is bone - patella (also called patella).
Knee pain is a runner over or behind the knee, caused by damage to the cartilage that covers the inside of the kneecap. Pain can occur on one or both sides of genunuchi.
Scholarships (fluid-filled sacks or bags shaped cavities) and fills surrounding bones. Muscles such as quadriceps in the front of the thigh and biceps feural on the back of the thigh, are related to these bones by tendons (connective tissue). Muscles, tendons and ligaments work together to give larger knee stability.
Knee, as well as elbow joint type is a "hinge" that allows extension and flexion (bending) foot.
Runner knee or chondromalacia is a common disease that affects both runners and other athletes on. The term refers to the destruction and transformation of a rough surface of the cartilage that covers the surface of all bones that form the joint and acts as a mechanical shock absorber that keeps the bones from rubbing distance between them and prevents them directly. When this damage occurs, rough points on the surface can be rubbed directly patella femoral surface causing pain.
Knee runner can also be described as pain that occurs on the outer surface of one or both knees. This case, although not as frequent as chondromalacia is usually caused by overuse of the knee (increasing training distances without a gradual transition to the new distance). Attack occurs when soil under a foot wrong angle, causing pain in the knee (usually the outside of shoes and heel are affected). All these situations lead to overload and micro traumatisms ilio-tibial tract - a band of tissue that stretches conujnctiv the pelvic bone (hip bone) to the top of the tibia. This can be corrected by the addition inside shoes soft pieces that fit inside the shoe and the foot gives support and helps to make proper contact with the ground while running. See your doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
What causes that cause knee runner?The condition can be caused either by repeated movements over time, such as running, either by a sudden overload of the knee, such as running the sudden change of direction or elevation of the soil, the use of higher weight lifters or using a bikes with pedals located too high to cyclists. The condition can be favored by a genetic predisposition as a patellar insertion system with too broad or format anomlaie the patella, a direct blow or a direct blow to the patella or simply forces may have an unknown cause.
Other sports that can occur knee runner: any sport in which the knee is directly applied, such as weightlifting, football, tennis, aerobics or cycling. Other activities that may cause knee runner carat weights are large and long time climbing stairs.
What are the symptoms knee runner?- Different pain intensity from dull to sharp pain above and below the kneecap.- Pain in the sitting position with knees bent.- Pain or overlapping kneeling position.- Pain when climbing or descending stairs.- Swelling of the knee.- Quadriceps muscle weakness.- Knee popping and screeching.
What are the first steps to be taken?If the pain is persistent, intense and makes climbing and descending stairs very difficult, consult your doctor to determine the correct treatment. Rest, ice the knee, compression and local antidecliva position are elements that could improve your situation. Stop activities that cause you pain. Put an ice pack as soon as possible.
For pain relief can take aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen, if you like to call a doctor who will prescribe proper treatment.Continuing care must be made by foot rest three to six weeks. Use ice for two to four days after finishing work to reduce swelling and inflammation. Using an elastic knee may increase knee stability. Keep feet slightly elevated.If you suffer from vascular disease or diabetes, ask your doctor before using an elastic knee.
Do not restart normal activity before the pain completely fail. With doctor's approval, work with a teacher or a sports physiotherapist for increasing quadriceps strength. Use an ice pack to reduce potential swelling that could occur.
Long-term pain can occur in bending the knee. Are also possible movement difficulty kneeling or overlapping. Sometimes surgery is needed to smooth rough surfaces of the posterior surface of the patella (cartilage do not heal spontaneously).
To prevent recurrences, use a proper technique to increase running distances, like jogging speeds or on rough terrain.Do not use bicycle with pedals too high. Train your weightlifting gradually. Ensure that footwear is appropriate. Train yourself to maintain quadriceps strength. Exercises to increase muscle strength helps strengthen ligaments and tendons.See your doctor if pain and swelling persist.

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