Monday, November 12, 2012

You've pulled a tooth. What next?

You've pulled a tooth. What next?

Timely untreated dental problems cause tooth decay and other infections in teeth. These conditions appeared to lead the masses in their terminal phase, the extraction of the tooth.
With the realization that surgery must take great care to doctor's who can help you pass well over extraction of masses. Teeth must be cared for and especially before surgery but after her.

You've pulled a tooth. What next?
To heal wounds more quickly and well left, we advise you to:
- For an hour because they do not remove compresses the bleeding and help prevent a blood clot that contribute to wound healing
- Do not rinse your mouth for 12 hours and do not eat very hot or very cold in the first two days
 - Avoid foods that require chewing intense in the next two days
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol to heal wounds that can destroy the clot formed and infect the injury
- Resume brushing only 24 hours after surgery
- Apply ice to the injured area
- Strictly follow the treatment prescribed by your dentist
- Do not forget to go to mandatory control after seven days of extraction
- Avoid dairy products, seeds and popcorn
There are a few steps that, if you follow, will help you pass safely over any extraction of masses.
Expert opinion:
"After a tooth extraction must keep a tight compress between 30 and 60 minutes to stop bleeding. After throwing compress not rinse with anything if you do not let rinse clot to form which closes socket. Do not eat and do not drink very hot. Do not smoke, do not drink milk or yogurt. Do not expose yourself to cold and not doing physical work. If it hurts after anesthesia put cold compresses on the cheek and pills recommended depending on the severity of the situation. And only after the second day you are allowed to rinse with mouthwash or chamomile, wormwood or marigold. "

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