Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ankle sprain - first aid

Ankle sprain - first aid

Ankle joint is formed by the tibia and fibula, which belong to the lower part of the leg and the talus (astragalus), which is located above the foot bones (foot). These bones are connected by ligaments strong and together make up the ankle joint. Two of these ligaments play an important role in ensuring the stability of the ankle: anterior cruciate ligament, talofibular, which starts from prominent (malleolus) external ankle to the top of the foot and calcaneofibular ligament that connects prominent (malleolus) external ankle calcaneal (heel bone).
Ankle joint is the "hinge" that enables the movement of flexion and extension (up and jus) of the foot, while allowing limited movement and its laterality.
A sprain of the ankle (sprained ankle) is one of the most common injuries. Usually occurs in one or both ligaments located on the outer ankle and can consist of a microscopic rupture up to a total ligament rupture and separation of the bones (the intermediate stages of severity). An ankle sprain can be more painful than a fracture and it may take just as long to heal.
A sprain occurs when the runner "slip" on the side of the ankle, causing damage to the outer ligaments by stretching or breaking them. Injury is common in all sports (basketball, football, rugby, tennis, athletics) as well as in many other activities besides sports.
What are the symptoms of ankle sprains?Pain, swelling and bruising (bruise) on the outside of the ankle and / or above the foot. The production sprains may feel a "flash" hot outer ankle area. Appears unable to go. Ankle is hot for several hours. Depending on the severity of sprains, symptoms may occur immediately or after an interval of 6 to 12 hours after injury.
What are the first steps to be taken?Stop physical activity. Put an ice pack on the injured ankle, if possible immediately after the sprain. See your doctor to determine the severity of sprains and exclude the possibility of bone fractures leg, foot or ankle.
In terms of medication, follow the doctor's instructions. Meanwhile, you can relieve pain with NSAIDs or analgesics without a prescription.
Do not restart normal activity until the pain has not completely given up. Your doctor may put a splint or plaster cast the entire area to imobliza mobility at the ankle. Other possibilities: rest, ice, compression and local antidecliva position (position high above the area than the heart). Using an elastic bandage can provide ankle stability.
Long-term ankle sprains can remain prone to recurrent instability due to outstanding (when a ligament stretches it never returns to its original position). Can manifest a tendency to arthritis of the ankle due to swelling and formation of spurs on places that are cured by calcium depundere.
To prevent recurrence, wear comfortable shoes and wear data without modification. It is best to tie ankle to increase stability. With the treating doctor, start working with a teacher or a sports physiotherapist to strengthen the muscles that support the ankle and calf.If the pain continues, see your doctor.

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