Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Back pain - first aid

Back pain - first aid

Lumbar region consists of vertebrae and discs in the lower sacrum and cocis and several muscles and ligaments connect the pelvis chest wall.Back pain can be caused by a variety of causes: stretching or twisting of the muscles or ligaments, vertebra or disc damage, nerve compression, or simply fatigue.Spine and trunk muscles are support and protect the spinal cord.
Back pain can occur through several mechanisms sports: stretching or damage to vertebrae, compressing a nerve toInjury can be caused by repeated motion several times while that twisting of golf typical motion or fast motion using a force on the lumbar region, or a heating failure before a demanding sport.
What are the symptoms?Pain can have a wide range of issues, from dull ache to sharp pain in Lomb. If it is a stretch with initial sensation can be easy traction time of the injury, which then intensifies within a few hours. Disc herniation can cause a sharp pain that makes it almost impossible any movement. Sciatic nerve injury causes a sharp pain that radiates from the lumbar region along both legs. Muscle fatigue in the back, after a duration of muscle activity may be seen both by pain and muscle completely blocking.
What are the first steps to be taken?Consult your doctor immediately if the pain radiates down the back of both legs, numbness or tingling might occur on the back or legs, or if you experience problems with urination or bowel.To strain or stretch the back muscles: Put an ice pack immediately after the injury. Cold treatment prevents the accumulation of blood or serum around injured area, preventing local edema formation.To block lumbar and fatigue: put a hot compress lumbar region to help relax the back muscles. Painful sensation can be removed and the rest lying down, which reduces the pressure of its own weight, legs resting position to change the angle of the sacred and thus reduce lumbar angle is another option. Also a good rest over night can bring good results.
Back pain treatment is different depending on the cause and severity. However, for pain relief can take aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol, anti-inflammatory that is designed to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Continuing care to strain or muscle strains consists of:- Put a bag of ice over the painful site at least once every 24 hours for two to four days. Then use warm compresses at least once per day until complete healing of the lesion. Local heat helps dilate small blood vessels around the lesion, increasing blood supply (blood brings nutrients to help local wound healing).- Heat is applied only after the cease edematous, or swelling increases- Avoid physical activity when the injury has healed or until the pain disappeared completely. Duration healing time depends on the type of lesion and its severity and can be between three and six weeks or more. Once healed injuries, perform stretching exercises gradually back muscles. Use an ice pack to prevent swelling that can occur regionally then again after the swelling has reduced heat to help relax muscles.
Long term damage if the regulations do not appear correctly rest.To prevent recurrences contact a professional trainer or a physiotherapist to perform exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. Perform warm up exercises before starting the exercise or muscle sports workout. Avoid sudden movements that can injure the lumbar same again.If the pain does not give the same level or recur, seek professional medical help because it can be a serious problem that requires complex treatment or surgery.

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