Monday, November 12, 2012

Bleeding gums - Causes and Recommendations

Bleeding gums - Causes and Recommendations

Most often, dental hygiene care is oriented exclusively to the teeth. Brush your teeth daily? Make sure you have a healthy smile? Have you thought how healthy are your gums?

Bleeding gums is one of the most common diseases of the mouth. A fundamental aspect must not go unnoticed if you want a healthy smile.

Bleeding gums - Causes and Recommendations
Why do our gums bleed?
Causes of bleeding gums (tissue surrounding the teeth) can be numerous. The most common is the condition called gingivitis. The first sign of gingivitis is redness and swelling of the gums and bleeding edge when brushing frequency. Favored gingivitis is poor oral hygiene - poor cleaning of the teeth, tooth decay, the works performed poorly, smoking excessively so.

Gingivitis is a condition that can be treated and, more importantly, that can be prevented through a healthy oral hygiene, performed daily.
Bleeding gums - Causes and Recommendations
Another cause of bleeding may be brushing your teeth. Brushing done wrong can hurt and cause bleeding gums. Toothbrush should have soft bristles that will not produce an abrasive effect on the teeth.

Teeth can bleed and hormonal reasons. Pregnancy or hormonal changes may be accompanied by bleeding of time passing with the return to normal.

Various diseases (leukemia, diseases or capillary pressure, diabetes, blood disorders, heart disease, liver or kidney) are characterized, among other signs, and bleeding gums.

Bleeding gums - Causes and Recommendations
Why is it important to prevent or treat gingivitis?
Although gingivitis (gum inflammation) causes no pain, that could convince us to make a visit to the dentist, it is an early form of more serious diseases of the teeth - such as the occurrence of periodontal disease leading to tooth loss.

Healthy gums are approximately 1mm thick and well vascularized. Affected by gingivitis they become inflamed and painful, changes color, sangerareaza.

Recommendations for bleeding gums

If your gums bleed when you brush occasionally and care should be taken to several core areas: healthy diet, quitting smoking and excessive drinking of course dental hygiene.

Good nutrition for your teeth includes several types of foods: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, foods low in fat and salt, cheese, milk. Should be avoided sweets consumed excessively. The more foods contain more sugar, the greater the danger to teeth.

When gums bleed, teeth are in danger. Bleeding gums is a good reason to go to the dentist. Doctor dentist is best able to identify the true cause of bleeding and to care through proper treatment this condition.

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