Monday, November 12, 2012

Why oral health is important for men?

Why oral health is important for men?

According to studies, men are less likely to take care of physical health than women, in some cases oral health is ignored. Recently it was found that oral health is closely related to longevity. Men most often ignore their oral health for several years and go to the dentist only when problems arise. Therefore, these risk oral cancer or gum disease.
Why oral health is important for men?
Why periodontal diseases are a problem?
Periodontal diseases are the result of the formation of plaque, which turns into a porous substance called tartar. Acid produced by bacteria in plaque irritate the gums. These acids cause the weakening of fibers that holds the teeth in the gums, creating "pockets" where bacteria accumulate. Some researchers argue that there is a connection between periodontal disease and the vascular disease, which can cause strokes. Go to your dentist doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

Bleeding gums during brushing,
-Reddened gums, swollen and tender to the touch
- Persistent halitosis
- Tooth loss or separation
Why oral health is important for men?
Take medicine?

Since the men are likely to suffer heart attacks in some cases they follow a medication that can cause dry mouth. If you take heart medications or antidepressants, can reduce the amount of saliva, increasing the risk of cavities. Saliva helps to reduce bacteria that cause cavities.
Why oral health is important for men?
 Do you smoke?

If you smoke risk of gum disease and oral cancer. Men are affected twice more than women and 95% of oral cancer is present in people over 40 years. If smoke is very important to visit your doctor dentist frequently for cleaning teeth, make sure you have a good oral health.
Why oral health is important for men?
Practice any sport?

If you practice any sport are at risk of trauma to your teeth. If contact sports such as football, basketball, hockey, boxing etc. is important to use tray that effectively protects your teeth during the game.

 Take care of your teeth

For improving oral health is important to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with a fluoride toothpaste, floss to use and go to your dentist at least twice a year for cleaning teeth.

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