Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Regimen for lactose intolerance

Regimen for lactose intolerance
Regimen for lactose intolerance is composed only of foods that contain a minimal amount of lactose. This system prevents adverse effects of consuming milk or milk products: bloating, intestinal cramps, diarrhea. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of lactose ingested and the level of lactase deficiency.
System is designed for people who can not digest milk sugar (lactose) due to deficiency of lactase. It is recommended in cases of: lactose intolerance lactase deficiency due to a lack of lactase in inflammatory bowel disease and other malabsorption syndromes.
Side effects generally stop after 3 to 5 days after starting the diet. There are several levels of lactose intolerance, and each person must find out the individual degree of tolerance to a certain food. Diet below is very sensitive to patients who can not tolerate lactose even in small quantities.
Elimination diet based on milk and dairy products.Read nutritional information on products.Avoid products that contain lactose, milk or milk solids.Lactalbumin and calcium compounds are salts of lactic acid and contain no lactose.
Foods allowed:
Carefully written in italics foods should be avoided by those very sensitive, which follows a strict diet!
Bread and cereals -6, 11 servings
- Bread, cereal, rice, barley or pasta (containing no milk)
- Macaroni, noodles, spaghetti
- Biscuits
Vegetables -3, 4 servings per day
- All vegetables and vegetable juices
Fruits -2, 4 servings per day
- All the fruit and fruit juices
Milk and dairy products -2, 3 servings per day
- Soymilk, lactose-free milk, lactose-free supplements
- Ripened cheese, processed
- Yogurt
- Butter and margarine
Meat and meat substitutes

- All kinds of meat (beef, chicken, pork, fish) boiled, fried or baked made
- Eggs (prepared without milk)
- Dried beans, peas, lentils
- Nuts and peanut butter
Prohibited foods:
Bread and cereals

- All bakery or confectionery products (biscuits, muffins, pancakes, etc.). Preparations with milk or milk products
- Homemade bread with milk
- Dry cereals that contain lactose or milk

- Vegetables cooked with cheese, milk or milk products

- Fruit juices that contain lactose
Milk and dairy products

- Milk, dairy, goat milk, milk acidophilous
- Milk Powder
- All cheeses
- Soup
- Hot chocolate
- Cream
- Milk or cream sauces

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