Wednesday, November 14, 2012

World Health Day Oral

World Health Day Oral

Small ones to big ones remember that every day should be on oral health, because without a thorough dental care and oral hygiene compliance, are exposed to risks becoming larger, start to decay and go up the development of heart disease.

World Health Day Oral

But even the big ones need to have their attention on the importance of oral hygiene, because today, when the program is increasingly busy and feel all the time like contract, the alarm is going to be fired too late. And to get the very teeth (whose care is neglected) is one that reminds us that oral health is vital to the health of the entire body. By toothache, cavities, infections, bad breath etc.
Tie, tells you every week how to prevent dental disease and every 6 months, your doctor dentist is the one who gives directions for how to take care of your teeth.

World Health Day Oral

But on September 12 this year, FDI (International Dental Federation) and ADA (American Dental Association) draw attention to the whole world the essential role of good oral hygiene, in a large scale event, World Health Day Oral.

World Health Day Oral

Manifestation international dimension has its starting point last year when the two institutions organized Oral World Health Day, which aimed to inform the population about the impact they have dental disease on general health. It was also revealed specialized studies demonstrated link between periodontal disease and diabetes and other systemic diseases.

World Health Day Oral

In 2008, Dr. Mark J. Feldman, president of the ADA, said: "The ADA is honored to be with FDI and other dental organizations in an attempt to emphasize the crucial importance of oral health," adding "we also provide people with information on dental disease prevention measures that have been shown effective, which include and educate patients regarding dental care. "

In turn, FDI has revealed that the most prevalent chronic disease, tooth decay can be prevented by simple and very effective method, but do not have access to that many people, especially those in economically underdeveloped areas. Social message of FDI from 2008 continues the urge to talk openly about existing inequities in the world in terms of oral health, reiterating that people from countries with low or medium economy not receive adequate dental services.

So, on September 12, 2009, ADA and FDI us remember one essential rule: "Take care of your teeth." Every day.

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