Tuesday, November 13, 2012

5 Reasons for treatment professional teeth cleaning

5 Reasons for treatment professional teeth cleaning

We all know that oral hygiene is important and also what problems may occur if not paid sufficient attention to this issue, but no matter how well we take care of ourselves, our teeth, using dental practitioners is essential.
To maintain oral health and avoiding problems such as infections, gingivitis or heart and vascular disease, your dentist regularly checks and professional teeth cleaning treatments are two rules that you must not cross.
Below, we present the top 5 reasons why you should call a professional teeth cleaning treatment.

1. To prevent gum inflammation and periodontal disease

Inflammation of the gums that affects alveolar bone, is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults.

However, if the disease is diagnosed early, can be treated easily.
There are two types of diseases caused by inflammation of the gums, gingivitis and periodontitis.
Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal disease, causing redness, swelling and bleeding gums. Generally, discomfort resismtit of people suffering from gingivitis is minimal. Untreated, gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, when plaque spreads and begins to irritate your gums. Toxins trigger a chronic inflammatory response, which causes alveolar bone and tissues surrounding the tooth are destroyed. Thus, between the tooth and gum to create a space that deepens as the disease progresses and who become infected, leading to tooth loss last phase in question.

2. To reduce the risk of developing stroke and heart disease.

Studies have shown a link between a poor oral health and risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke. Therefore, a professional teeth cleaning done every six months is recommended to reduce this risk.
Various theories have been developed to explain the link between oral hygiene and the risk of heart disease, one of them suggesting that oral bacteria can affect the heart when they enter the bloodstream and attach atheroma plaques (consisting of deposits of fat) coronary artery . Thus arise that prevent clots normal circulation of blood, leading to heart attacks.

3. To prevent tooth loss

Even if you take good care of your teeth and observe basic rules of oral hygiene, washing up twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash using both and floss to clean your teeth thoroughly as not only can detect early signs of a disease. Therefore, a visit to the dentist for a professional cleaning teeth guarantees you not only more accurate, but also healthy teeth because the dentist can see and treat minor ailments for which could then lead to more serious medical problems.

4. For a bright smile

When you use a professional teeth cleaning treatment, the dentist can remove stains on your teeth, which are caused by smoking or drinking coffee and tea. Moreover, the dentist will polish the teeth, which will make your smile be whiter and brighter and harder plaque will be deposited on these surfaces.

5. For fresh breath

According to research conducted, bad breath is due, in 85% of cases, dental hygiene problems. Whether the failure to brush teeth recommendation 2 times a day and use dental floss to remove food debris remaining teeth or ignoring signs of gingivitis and bleeding gums.
Therefore, a treatment professional teeth cleaning is also an effective way both to prevent and to treat halitosis, ensuring your breath fresh.

Expert opinion:
"Do not delay scaling because" you better tartar teeth in place. 'If teeth are mobile, the composition of plaque and germs caused this. Doctor by delaying disease progresses and will often be impossible to treat these who will lose teeth.

Inflammation of the gums is caused by dental plaque is composed of inorganic components (minerals) and organic components (comparable to the plaque) = a mixture of bacteria, leukocytes, epithelial cells and polysaccharide protein complex.
Supragingival plaque (saliva) is a white deposit organomineral-yellow, beginning low consistency. Immediately after the deposit is brittle, soft, coarse, and easily dislocated. But while increasing consistency and adherence supragingival plaque and color changes to brownish-black - by impregnation with food pigments, including juice, or oil and nicotine in smokers. Preferential location of the plaque is lower front group and opening channels salivary glands.
Subgingival plaque (serum) is brownish-black, high consistency, dense, often very sticky and difficult compared to the supragingival dislocated.

1 comment:

  1. Very true, proper dental care will surely keep one away from dental problems.Thanks for the informative post.
