Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What foods to eat healthy teeth?

What foods to eat healthy teeth?

When it comes to healthy teeth are not sufficient just good oral hygiene and regular checkups to the dentist, but eating foods that not only harm the teeth, but also help maintain her health.
What foods to eat healthy teeth?
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All the foods we eat interact with microbes and bacteria in the mouth, leading to the formation of plaque, especially if we fail to brush your teeth after eating. Plaque, combined with sugars and starches found in many foods (especially kids favorite), forms an acid that attacks tooth enamel, causing cavities then.

Although it may seem so, it is not easy to avoid foods that harm teeth even when they have a balanced diet based on fruits, vegetables, grains and milk, because they contain starch and sugar. However, the latter quantities are found in fruits and vegetables are much lower than the amount of sugar and starch fizzy drinks or rehydration, eating fast food or sweets.
What foods to eat healthy teeth?
So the solution is to limit how much you can use these foods mentioned above and also to ensure that our appliances diet is rich in minerals and vitamins that keep the body strong.

What should you do to protect your teeth?

 - Reduce your consumption of cakes, soda and candy
 - Consume in moderation bread and cereals
 - Not excesses in terms of dried fruit (very high in sugar) and artificial unsweetened juices (high in simple sugars)

What foods help maintain your oral health?

1. Celery and carrots - there are two main advantages teeth celery and carrot consumption: first, because they have chewed more than other foods, resulting in increasing the amount of saliva produced. This is intended to neutralize the bacteria that cause cavities. Second, chewing some foods naturally abrasive and celery and carrots also provide massage gums and clean teeth.

2. Cheese - Rich in calcium and phosphate, which helps balance pH in the mouth and rebuild tooth enamel.

3. Green tea - catecin substances called polyphenols it contains green tea destroys bacteria in the oral cavity responsible for transforming sugar into plaque. Moreover, this substance also eliminates bacteria that cause halitosis (bad breath).

4. Kiwi's - Rich in vitamin C (one large kiwi provide over 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C), it helps protect gums and thus prevent periodontal disease. Vitamin C deficiency leads to weakened collagen network in your gums, which thus become softer and susceptible to the action of harmful bacteria.

5. Onion - onion sulfur compounds kill bacteria that cause cavities and gum inflammation.

6. Parsley - monoterpenes, volatile substance that contains parsley (and mint leaves), helps keep a fresh breath.

7. Sesame seeds - help rebuild tooth enamel and also clean plaque. Also rich in calcium content helps strengthen the alveolar bone.

8. Shiitake mushrooms - Prevents bacteria in the mouth to produce plaque.

9. Wassabi-ul-wassabi substance called isothiocyanate that it contains the blocks growth of bacteria that lead to cavities.

10. Water - Drinking water is the best way to stimulate the production of saliva, which protects teeth from bacteria that cause plaque and lead to decay. Also, rinse your mouth with water help remove food debris between the teeth, causing halitosis.

How to keep your teeth healthy with these foods?

- Eat every day some carrots or celery raw
- Instead of dessert, eat a cube of cheese
- Drink 2 to 5 cups of green tea per day
- Eat a kiwi day
- Add a few slices of onion in salads
- Season foods with chopped parsley
- Occasionally add sesame seeds to salads
- Shiitake mushrooms consumed at least once a week
- Use as a sauce for pasta salad wassabi
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day

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