Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How self-palpation protects your breast health?

How self-palpation protects your breast health?

If you examine your breasts monthly can find lumps or signs of cancer from the very beginning, when it can be treated. Most lumps are not cancerous. But even a diagnosis of cancer can be treated successfully if detected in the early phase of the disease.

A cancer diagnosis is not a conviction. Therefore, if you notice any changes in your breasts, immediately go to the doctor, without panic.

The best time to examine your breasts is after menstruation, when they are not sensitive (painful) or swollen. Stand in front of the mirror and look at your breasts carefully and see if they are the same, either keep your hands at your sides either keep them high.

See if you have the same shape and size, if there dimples, injury or nipple changes. See if there is a leak from the nipple.
Remember that it is normal for a woman to have one breast slightly larger than the other.

Usually nipples are pointing outwards is normal but if nipples are inside. If you notice a discharge from the nipple after stimulation do not worry. You have to go to the doctor only if a leak occurs spontaneously in the nipple.

The next step is to check for finding breast lumps. This check is done both standing and lying down. Keeping fingers stretched slightly touched her breasts, circular motion, starting from the outside towards the nipple.

Check the breast, including the armpit, under the breast area and above the collarbone. Control your left breast with your right hand and her right breast with his left hand.

If you do not understand our explanations or are not sure you can do self-breast palpation ask your GP or family planning doctor.

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