Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wisdom teeth a problem?

Wisdom teeth a problem?

Most times wisdom teeth give us headaches, although it says that it coincides with the age and maturity of thought.
What are wisdom teeth?
It is the third molar and is designed to chew, to cut and crumble the food we eat. Each dental arch is composed of two central incisors, lateral two incisors, two canines, four premolars and four molars, which are disposed symmetrically. In some people add and wisdom teeth that are normally four in number, but others are less fortunate and have three, two or one wisdom tooth.
Evolution wisdom teeth
Since the age of 8-10 years can be seen on radiography presence or absence of wisdom teeth. 12 years crown is formed. At 17-18 years old roots are developed, corresponding average age of eruption. At 25 years, 90% of wisdom teeth, with enough room on the arch mature, begin to emerge. But for some people, they appear later or not at all. There is no tragedy if it occurs at all, statistics show that 20-25% of the population does not have this tooth bud. Scientists believe that the man of the future will have a reduced number of teeth, lower jaw and the wisdom teeth will disappear.
Wisdom teeth. A problem?
Yes. It was rare for wisdom teeth do not grow, nor to manifest. Most times it happens that they make their presence felt and cause damage to other teeth, sometimes leading to their extraction. An extraction to be considered but the healthiest is to consult your dentist who can give you an idea endorsed. An extraction intervention should occur if the teeth do not occur on the arch. Tooth Extraction of mind is called germectomie or tooth extraction stage of seed, often realized at the age of 12-14 years.
Wisdom teeth a problem?
If the tooth remains incarcerated in the gum tissue around the tooth can become inflamed, causing pain or infection. Your dentist will look how to treat this condition. In case of repeated inflammation or molar extraction is recommended if the latter emerges as a cheek pieces that hurts, off the mouth and can cause cancer of the mouth.
 When we call to mind tooth extraction?
- If surrounding gum infection wisdom teeth, debris accumulates between the teeth and gums covering teeth, and after a period of inflammation, there is a painful infection, in this case the dentist will prescribe initial antibiotics against infection clears gums, removing food debris, and if he deems that the phenomenon will worsen tooth extracted.

- If caries: tooth extraction dentist may recommend, because wisdom teeth are difficult to treat due to their position

- When wisdom teeth affecting neighboring teeth cavities and transmitting them periodontal disease

- Orthodontic reasons: when the third molar prevent the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment is recommended tooth extraction

- Preventive reasons: there is debate about tooth extraction teeth. Some reviews say there has been shown to prevent relapse orthodontic surgery and a third molar extraction can cause tooth disorder later.
 How is the surgery itself?
Dentist usually recommends antibiotic treatment since surgery. Extraction can take place under local or general anesthesia, the latter requiring hospitalization latter. General anesthesia is an isolated case and recommended only in exceptional circumstances. Consequences of surgery depends from individual to individual, but smokers have more healing time. The best anti-inflammatory is an ice pack.

In the first 24 hours to be careful not to chew food on the side which held the extraction, avoid hot drinks, alcohol and hard foods. Full cure will be achieved in weeks or months.
 Did you know ...
Wisdom teeth occur in people with big brains. A recent British study, people who have large brains and wisdom tooth. The study showed that a person who increases wisdom tooth is able to solve a complicated math problem in seconds.

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