Thursday, November 15, 2012

Body pH and fertility - diet concept PH favorable

Body pH and fertility - diet concept PH favorable

Transform your body in a friendly and welcoming environment for conception
Modern lifestyle is tilted more towards its material aspect, leaving aside important issues related to spirituality, diet and health. What most people ignore is that certain facilities and comfort are enjoyable and relevant only when you are healthy and you can enjoy them.
Diet of many people nowadays tend to be quite acidic (mostly fast food and prepared / cooked) proof are the increasing number of cases of cancer, cardiovascular problems, diabetes and other diseases generally correlated with consumption of foods with high acidity and high sugar content.
Naturally in the human body is found in the form of slightly alkaline and by eating prepared foods and high in acidity, it disrupts the body's acid-alkaline balance. To maintain the ideal pH ("potential for hydrogen ion concentration") body is essential to understand the acidity or alkalinity of certain foods to be able to balance their effects on your diet, health in general and reproductive health in particular by balancing internal flora.

Body pH is measured in terms of acidity or alkalinity on a scale from 0 (most intense level of acidity possible) to 14 (most intense level of alkalinity possible) netru pH being determined by means of the two extremes.
Body by internal processes and metabolic trying to maintain pH balance at a slightly alkaline blood of 7, 36. Despite its efforts to self, our diet consists mainly of acidic foods (meat, dairy, sugar and sweetened products, white flour products pastiserie, pasta, coffee, tea, trans fats and food additives in most foods prepared and meet preamabalate) and daily stress affects mechanisms regulating pH levels, leading to acidity.

The body consists mostly of liquid has its own pH (ion balance). PH adjustment leads to alkalinization negative ionization organs phenomenon eliminate or prevent health problems caused by acidosis: cardiovascular lesions, obesity, diabetes, cancer, auto deficiency (immune) cell damage by oxidation of the body from free radicals, osteoporosis, low energy, premature aging, fatigue, physical and mental fatigue, etc..

Stress, lack of exercise, improper diet, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, drugs contribute to a harmful lifestyle and increased acidity in the body. Acidosis is due to unhealthy diets, pollutants and drugs.
Body pH and fertility - diet concept PH favorable
Baby has an alkaline body level up is breastfeeding. Gradually, with age, the action of harmful dietary factors or external factors human body becomes more acidic. As a self defense mechanism and body borrows minerals, including calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium detrimental to vital organs and bones in an attempt to neutralize the acid in the body (natural combating acidosis).
We introduce liquids into the body must have certain properties in order not to unbalance the body's pH and maintaining a balance between intake and elimination of water: to have energy potential and pH balanced, contain essential ions, to be easily absorbed.
What is the impact on fertility body pH?
Such as fermentation microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, viruses grow in an acidic environment. It interferes with the production of enzymes and coenzymes in the body, including those that synthesize essential elements for hormonal and reproductive health. If a coferment is exhausted, the hormones critical for fertility and reproduction (attached to women and men) suffer disturbances, imbalances. Moreover, these parasitic organisms that thrive in acidic environment can feed at one time with different types of hormones, causing hormonal deficiencies.
Excess acidity and microorgasnimele you find this environment conducive to developing certain diseases and determine the reproductive problems: infertility, vaginal infections, bacterial overgrowth of fungi or genital, vaginal inflammation, vaginal flora disturbances, menstrual difficulties, urinary tract infections , prostatitis and even impotence.

A study on the acidity / alkalinity of cervical fluid revealed positive correlation between pH and the ability of sperm to penetrate the egg. Vagina is naturally acidic and alkalinity based on cervical fluid to protect sperm from the acidic environment during transfer to the uterus. Although diet was not a specific factor in this study, body chemistry and pH optimum body concept favored by alkaline diet.
The combination of acidity and these parasitic organisms, harmful is not because of all reproductive problems, but require a balance body pH to ensure the health of the entire body and all internal systems.
Acidosis adversely affects reproductive fluids and may contribute to the occurrence or development of infection and inflammation in the genitals.

Fetilitate cervical secretions are vital, they indicate the fertility of women and contributes to "transport" the sperm to the egg safe and uterus. Coated cervix produces cervical mucus secretions membranous those whose consistency is changed by attending female sex hormones: estrogen provides a thin consistency, slippery cervical fluid (high fertility), while progesterone (present immediately after ovulation) dry cervical mucus.
The pH level of the vagina, vaginal flora pH can be altered by many factors, and diet is one of them together in this fertile cervical mucus. A healthy cervical fluid determines ovulation vaginal pH optimum for sperm survival usually acid environment (thus increasing the chances of fertilization of the egg).

Some medical and nutritional theories argue that the acidity of the vagina and cervix may influence and child sex. Here the scientific explanation: the X chromosome (female) of sperm, more robust and slower than the Y chromosome sperm, however, is more resistant to acid vaginal environment (and thus has more chance of success). Wearer Y chromosome is much faster but weaker and easily destroyed structure and an unfavorable vaginal pH (high acidity). Thus X chromosome sperm has a better chance of survival and fertility than sperm chromosome X. A high alkalinity on the other hand will offset to some extent the chances of conception or Y chromosome will favor rapid
How do we find the acidity of the body?
Currently no test (blood, saliva, urine) can not determine exactly what level of acidity in the body as a diagnostic test put existences that reveal only what is acid residues in body fluids (blood, lymph, saliva, urine, mucus), is not a clear indicator of the level of acid waste from body system (fluid is in constant movement through tissues trying to collect and remove tissue acid residues). So what can be medically evaluated is the level of acidity of body fluids and tissues condition not (skin, organs, glands, muscles, ligaments, arteries, blood vessels). Unfortunately acidic residues are not removed from the system (eg, urine) are reabsorbed from the colon into the liver and general recirculated and stored again in tissues causing diseases and health damaging.
Where needed we minerals pH balance?
Ensure necessary mineral food (excluding vitamins and supplements). Total balance of minerals in a particular type of food is being established dacaqacesta acid or alkaline. Attention! A food not lumped as acid or alkaline taste, but by the type of residue that remains after its metabolism (alkaline, neutral or acidic). It is important to note that although a food may taste acid can leave behind a residue alkaline.
Body pH and fertility - diet concept PH favorable
Many diseases and allergic reactions are associated with a state of super acidity of body fluids. Consequences: digestive disorders, weak immune system, diseases of the spine, gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, autonomic disturbances (migraine). Symptoms: pain and physical weakness are indicated as alkaline reserves of the body are over.

PH diet foods to increase fertility
Acidity but food itself is not what matters, but the effects they produce aupra body chemistry: a food to be acid in a laboratory environment, but may not have a direct impact or effect of acidity / alkalinity of body after metabolism (laboratory tested lemons are acidic, as they contribute to alkalinity body metabolism).
Getting a healthy pH balance is essential for reproductive health, so 70-80% of the diet should be alkaline, while 20-30% should be an acidic diet.
Alkaline Diet
Saliva is alkaline so remember to chew your food well before swallowing them both to protect dental health and to create an internal environment friendly fertility, favorable for conception.

Food >>> powerful greenhouse alkaline (alkaline residues form) generally vegetables, fruits, soy beans, almonds, peel potatoes, millet, buckwheat, asparagus, avocados, beans, beets, blueberries, carrots, cranberries, chives, endive, sour grapes, kale, dried peaches, figs, pomegranates, raspberries, tea "Rooibos" (African red tea), spinach.

Effect weak basic >>> you have yogurt, dried fruits and legumes in pods.

The largest effect >>> alkaline (basic) we have: green beans, bananas, figs, prunes, raisins, chard (beet leaves increases, green), lettuce, onions, potatoes, carrots.
Many fruits are acidic reaction in the laboratory but become alkaline metabolism: their weak citric acid combines with other elements on the metabolism and resulting alkaline salts. Conversely, sugar is alkaline but the large number of acid-forming carbohydrates. Honey is a special food with therapeutic effects when consumed moderately.
Body pH and fertility - diet concept PH favorable
Alkaline effect >>> Other foods: fresh apricots, artichokes, bamboo bud, cantaloupe, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chicory, coconut milk, fresh corn, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, gooseberries, guava, grapefruit, raw horseradish and fresh, sea grass, kale, leeks, lettuce, mango, watermelon.

>>> Most vegetables, especially those containing alkaline minerals and fresh acidity combat excessive sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The body stores minerals from food into bone when the body needs them and are issued for balancing blood pH.
Acid Diet
Acidifying *** are foods rich in sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus, which is very much animal protein.
Foods that form acid residues *** meat, fish, eggs, cheese, cereal, nuts and peanuts, beans, coconut, cranberry concentrate, egg yolk, jellies, fruit (dried, canned, candied, etc.) , grapes, pasteurized dairy products, peanuts, tofu, fried potatoes and chestnuts.

Effect of weak acid *** have cottage cheese, sour cream, bread, nuts and nuts.

*** Acidic foods the body: alcohol, caffeine, drugs, tobacco culture, root artichokes, barley, corn processed milk cream, eggs, sugar and flavorings, most types of flour, canned juice, honey , lentil pate, porridge, beans and fiber rye bread, soy, sorghum, spaghetti and other pasta, sugar cane, nuts, wheat.
Hyperacidity is caused mainly meat (sausage) and sweets, eggs, flour products, cheese. Administration of large amounts of vitamin C, especially synthetic form (ascorbic acid) increases body acidity.

Acid forming foods *** fat in the body butter, cream, sour cream, margarine and animal fat.
PH neutral effect on body
Neutral residues forming foods are neutral fats and oils: almond, avocado, coconut oil, cotton seed extract, flax oil smeinte, olive oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, sunflower and walnut oil .
PH balancing diet cervical
Fertile quality cervical secretions can be improved if you eat foods rich in vitamin B, drink plenty of water and grains include wheat germ in your diet
If you see a pH cervical disorder Here are some quick advice that may help:
Alkaline foods acidity correction >>: millet, almonds, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, celery, cabbage, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, brown rice, spinach, rhubarb, papaya, kiwi, etc. (see previous list of alkalizing foods).
Neutral >> Food: yogurt.
>> Food for increasing acidity: Female lamb meat, chicken, turkey, goose, duck, salmon, white meat fish, eggs, beans, barley, oats, rye, mushrooms, beef, meat pork, veal, ham, bacon, cheese, goat or cow's milk, corn, wheat, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit.
Body pH and fertility - diet concept PH favorable
How do I remove acidic diet in the system?
1. Bittersweet balance pH
Begin each morning with a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon and half hour wait before taking your breakfast.
Alkalinization body is made with natural minerals extracted from the shell, eggshell, algae, sea salts: calcium, vitamin D, zinc, copper and magnesium.
2. Drink plenty of water
Drink more than 10 glasses of water during the day and in the morning on an empty stomach. Alkaline additives can add: lemon powder "green" (barley or twitch).
3. Eat green leafy plants
Leaves of spinach, lettuce and other leafy plants are considered strong alicalinizatori. Avoid sauces and dressings for salads, use olive oil and lemon juice, vinegar apple juice, stevia.
4. Take a deep breath
Breathe deeply a few times, so oxygen to energize and balance brain chemistry cell - cells promotes healthy body healthy.
5. Walk
Exercise, exercise daily, moderate, even a daily walk of at least 30 minutes helps blood oxygenation and cellular tissue which means better oxygen fed - including reproductive organs.
Also sweating in the sauna, swimming, cycling are good for removing excess acidity in the body.
6. Avoid caffeine
No matter what form large amounts of tea, caffeinated soft drinks, coffee or energy drinks, caffeine should be avoided. Drink raspberry leaf tea.
7. Snacks .. almond-shaped
Raw or salted almonds are a perfect snack, rich in calcium, protein and other important nutrients and fiber and protein help stabilize blood sugar levels - very important for alkaline body pH and hormonal health.

When performed in children or young body manages largely to combat pH disturbance own mechanisms, but once they age eating acidic foods (especially meats and sweets) should be reduced.
Body pH should be alkaline or acidic?
Diet pH balance to protect fertility must maintain the pH at a value slightly alkaline, 7, 36 (normal average, on a scale from 0-14) and you will have more energy, sleep will be more restful, increased intellectual capacity and much improved reproductive health.

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