Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alternative Therapies

Alternative Therapies

There are alternative solutions for reducing menopausal symptoms. Homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal and other natural treatments are a possibility. But the effectiveness of these treatments has not been demonstrated.
Below are some alternative and complementary therapies to control symptoms of menopause:

Phytoestrogens are plant substances with estrogen-like structure, found in soybeans, chickpeas and other legumes, in whole grains and some fruits and vegetables. Scientists became interested in phytoestrogens when they noticed that women in Japan and China, whose diet is rich in isoflavones (a type of phytoestrogens) shows fewer unpleasant signs and symptoms associated with menopause, and the incidence of heart disease and osteoporosis is lower than in Western countries.
Statement that phytoestrogens present in these foods help reduce disturbances associated with menstruation remains to be demonstrated. Although some women have found that isoflavones and other phytoestrogens help reduce hot flashes, studies consider these substances as ineffective.
Some studies have concluded that phytoestrogens can promote the development of breast cancer. In contrast, other studies suggest that phytoestrogens prevent the development of this cancer. Overall, there is no information showing that soy is harmful to people suffering from cancer. However, women with breast cancer should consult their doctor before taking dietary supplement of isoflavones tablets.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is used to reduce hot flashes in some women. However, studies have shown the benefits of this vitamin in reducing hot flashes, and a higher dose of 400 IU of vitamin E can be toxic.

Cimicifuga racemosa plant was used to treat hot flashes, but few scientific studies demonstrate its benefits. Short-term use of this plant (less than 6 months) is recommended because it shows low risk of side effects. But long-term effects are not known yet.

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