Thursday, November 15, 2012



Vulvodinia is chronic pain of the vulva (the external female genitalia). Like abdominal cramps, vulvodinia is a symptom with many possible causes. Women who suffer from vulvodinie describe it as a burning, stinging, pruritus (itching), rash or pain vulvar violence throughout the region. Sexual intercourse, walking and exercise emphasizes pain.

No study has been conducted to determine the prevalence vulvodiniei. According to some estimates, up to 15% of women experience some symptoms. It is estimated that only a small proportion of cases are reported vulvodinie, so the disease is not given due importance.

Vulvodinia can occur at any age but is more common in women of reproductive. Usually, the pain starts suddenly and lasts for several months or years. Unfortunately, many women never vulvodinie not treated.

Vulvodinia is difficult to diagnose, partly because of the absence of visible signs and symptoms, in part because women's refusal to talk about them or to present to the doctor.

In the past, experts indicate sexual abuse as the main cause of vulvodiniei. They also estimated that this disorder is a psychological and not physical. Although some women affected by vulvodinie were victims of sexual abuse, studies have shown that a history of sexual abuse are more common in women with this condition. Today, sexual abuse are not considered because vulvodiniei, but such history can influence women's attitudes towards body, and the evolution of treatment.

Although vulvodinia is not a psychological disorder, its consequences are not limited to physical asptectele life. Vulvodinia has often resulted in limiting women's sexual activity and impaired intimate relationships. In addition, some studies have found that depression is more common in patients with vulvodinie.

If you have vulvodinie, do not hesitate to ask for medical care. There are treatments to relieve pain and discomfort caused by perineal vulvodinie.

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