Thursday, November 15, 2012

Signs and symptoms of menopause

Signs and symptoms of menopause

Signs and symptoms of menopause vary from one woman to another, and the same woman, varies over time. Menopause can be accompanied by disturbances more or less important. It is generally hot flashes, vaginal dryness, urinary disorders, mood swings (irritability, depression, anxiety), sleep disturbances (insomnia). These disorders are not serious in itself and has no health risks. Duration that occurs can vary from several months to several years.

»Irregular menstrual cycles
Menstruation may disappear suddenly or gradually become more or less abundant, before complete stop. Irregular menstrual cycles may be the first sign of approaching menopause.

»Decreased fertility.
When ovulation begins to fluctuate, there is less chance of ramen pregnant. However, before they reached one year after the cessation of menstruation, pregnancy is still possible.

»Hot flashes (heat waves)
As the level of estrogen decreases rapidly dilates blood vessels, leading to increased skin temperature. This can cause hot flashes, which is manifested by a feeling of warmth sometimes accompanied by redness, which starts on the face and neck and spreads to the chest, shoulders or even generalize.
Hot flashes are the most common symptom, while some may be accompanied by sweating. In general, hot flashes last from 30 seconds to several minutes. Frequency and duration of hot flashes varies from one woman to another. They can occur every time or only occasionally, can be part of everyday life for a year, or may not appear again.

»Vaginal Dryness
Because estrogen deficiency during menopause, the vagina may become dry and less "elastic". The result is burning or itching sensations, but also increase the risk of urinary tract infections or vaginal. Under these conditions, intercourse can become painful.

»Urinary Disorders
Bladder control is less effective, can manifest urinary incontinence, involuntary loss of urine, especially during efforts (sneezing, laughing, etc.). Sensation to urinate. This problem should be treated so as not to increase.
Signs and symptoms of menopause

»Skin changes
Structure and texture are influenced by sex hormones and general biological changes related to aging. After menopause, the skin becomes soft and fragile and easier to see wrinkles. In women who have suffered from acne in adulthood, it can get worse. Although estrogen levels decrease, the body continues to produce small amounts of male hormones (testosterone). As a result, there may be streams from hair on the face, chest and abdomen.

»Weight gain
Often with menopause, women gain weight and find that it is harder to lose those kilograms than before.
Weight gain is directly related to the hormonal changes of menopause. However, menopause cause a change in the distribution of fat, which accumulates more frequently in the abdomen and around the waist than the hips and buttocks.

»Emotional and cognitive disorders.
Women may experience irritability, fatigue, memory and concentration as they approach menopause. These symptoms have been attributed to hormonal fluctuations. But other factors are involved: lack of sleep, stressful events (children leaving home, retirement, etc.).

»Other disorders of menopause
Menopause can be accompanied by other disorders: headaches, intense tiredness, trouble sleeping, joint pain, etc.. Some women experience depression.

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