Monday, November 12, 2012

Bottled water and oral health

Bottled water and oral health

Annual sales of bottled water increased significantly and just because people start to drop tap water bottled in the exchange. Because of uncertainty in common water distribution system, most people drink and cook using bottled water.
Bottled water and oral health
Fluoride in bottled water

Fluoride fight against tooth decay, strengthens tooth enamel and teeth reminalizeaza after acid attack. Bottled water has a fluoride content varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If water is treated before being bottled, fluoride may be lost. Finally, the problem is not in terms of water consumption, either from bottles or bottled municipal network, but the lack of a fluoride or other water source.

 According to the website 1-800-Dentist, Dentistry American Association states that water with flour must contain 0.7-1.2 milligrams of fluoride in a liter of water to prevent tooth decay and consumption exceeding that concentration can be toxic. Too much fluoride before 8 years given to children, can cause enamel fluorosis, tooth discoloration or stains on permanent teeth. Improper and excessive administration mouthwash and toothpaste with fluoride can cause fluorosis, but cases are rare. Enamel fluorosis is destroyed, causing yellowing and staining teeth, making them brittle. Because no studies in this field which we confirm or deny us influence our health oral fluoride can not say exactly what form bottled water affects oral health.
Bottled water and oral health
Regarding the existence of fluoride in toothpaste, mouthwash, drinking water, there are different opinions. Some experts recommend using products that contain fluoride, including children, while others say that it adversely affects not only oral health but also the general. Fluoride attacks the immune system so the body incapacitate to defend from various diseases, particularly autoimmune thyroid Down syndrome, fragile bones. However, other opinions supporting the importance of fluoride in fighting cavities.
Bottled water and oral health
There are many opinions in terms of water consumption. Some people believe that tap water is not healthy enough that it is not sufficiently treated to remove pollutants and bacteria in the pipes that bring water into the house, while others believe that water from the common system is better than that of commercial .

 Children who drink bottled water bottles are exposed to have cavities than those who consume tap water because of the lack or scarcity of fluoride to protect teeth.

General medicine specialists recommend us to consume between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day, depending on weight, physical activity and exposure to high temperature or not.

Ultimately, the decision is yours regarding your source of water. Fluoride protects teeth from decay, and since you pay attention to your body care, why not do the same with your oral health?

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